Institutional terrorists, RICO gangs and international crime cartel members

Hey scumbags, Do you think I have forgotten about you just because I do not dwell on unpleasant subjects like you and a bunch of your low-life criminal psychopath compadres anymore?

I have not, and I will not forget about you. How could I, after all the things you have done for me?

However, I decided I would set your low-life scumbags aside and let your crimes catch up on you on their own. Considering the lack of financial resources and investigative headwinds I had to face due to criminal rogue law enforcers and their co-conspirators, institutional terrorists, I think I have done enough to deplore legitimate law enforcement, the US Attorneys, to look into the crimes that may have occurred against me since December 2017 and many others who are targeted like me.

If they, the US Attorneys and Korean equivalents, haven't done anything, then there is nothing I can do about that.

You may think you are getting away with destroying our lives and many others, but you are not. I believe in Karma, and Karma will catch up on you in such a mysterious way.

You will find yourself on your own to pay for your evil deeds soon or later.

I won't dwell on your scumbags like I did in the past. You are all worth nothing to me to waste my valuable time and energy.

But I am always ready to fight you all scumbags anytime for the sake of humanity as a whole in general if an opportunity is present. 

I truly believed that the fewer scumbags like you there are, the better this world would be.

In the meantime, I would like to remind you, low-life scumbags, that the 20 years in slammer, the forfeiture of all your ill-gotten wealth, and the treble damage civil lawsuits from all your victims and their families are awaiting you once you get caught and prosecuted.

And think about how your loved ones, your sons, your daughters, and their children would think about you when they found out how awful low life scumbags you were in real life. 

That alone should be karma enough for many of you.

Your attempts to erase me off the map have failed!

<Updated last on September 7, 2024> I bring it to the fore today after almost three years of disbelief I had of these four individuals...