22. *** Year 2022 ***

Originally posted as "2022" at ejrim.blogspot.com on April 21, 2022.

This year, I expect a lot of changes will happen to me and to us.   

My wife have suffered so much last five years (Dec. 2017 ~ April 2022).

The emotional shocks from watching me undergo such vicious multi-ethnic RICO criminal gangs' attacks 24/7/365 for the last five known years have been too much for her.

I'm going to ask those of you - the RICO Bosses and Sponsors of these RICO interstate terror campaigns against me and us - Were these attacks worth your time, money, and efforts? 

In another words, did you accomplished a lot? 

I hope you did. During the last five known years (Dec. 2017~ April 2022), you have put us through hell, and if you didn't accomplish anything, how wasteful would that be for you?

During these years of attacks on me, many collateral victims were created unintentionally. They, collateral victims like my wife, get to suffer as much as or even more than the intended target individuals like me. 

You probably think I'm just talking gibberish in anger since I cannot do anything to have you, RICO criminals, pay for your crimes. That may be the case. My resources are very limited.   

But I am not afraid even if I leave here without finishing the job, bringing you, sadistic RICO criminals, to justice, because you will always get what you really deserve in return, in one way or another, without my involvement. I am very certain of that. Your evil deeds will have consequences in a precise and mysterious manner.

Every time and every place, you will always be able to find a way to put yourself in a rightful place to pay for your evil deeds.

I am retired now.

You forced me into the retirement.  

I became a pensioner this year, March 2022.  I took early retirement at 62. 

I figure my life can be shortened at any time. After seeing how you, hundreds of RICO criminals, tried to do just that, ending my life prematurely for many years now, I figure I would rather take my retirement now while I can than later or never. There were not really any other options for me other than to be retired.

With all the potential risks, suspected and continued coordination by some of the RICO criminal human resources professionals targeting me for fraudulent criminal frauds, injuries, deaths, and total destruction of our daily livelihoods, and therefore our lives, mine and my wife,

I found that retirement was the only option left for both of us.

For my wife, a long commute in what I considered very dangerous environments, I advised her not to work anymore because I could no longer give her rides and provide safety, and the public transportation rides were very unsafe for her because my enemies were trying to hurt her in order to hurt me.

Increasingly, in Illinois, these RICO criminals were targeting my wife in order to hurt me. I could not let those criminal attacks on her continue.

I am retired because you RICO criminals, the ones I probably have associated in my professional past or even personally related—RICO bosses, capos, and foot soldiers—were stalking, harassing, threatening with physical harm, sabotaging, and scheming fraudulent criminal entrapments to destroy me and us.

Because of the constant daily vehicular mobbing, stalking, and sabotaging attacks that were occurring for the last five (5) known years in Georgia, Illinois, and elsewhere (Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and New York), everywhere we go, she is in great danger of getting seriously injured or dying along with me.

Even though I am one of the safest defensive drivers out there, I am no match for professional insurance fraudsters who target me in vehicular mobbing. Sooner or later, we will be their account-numbered victims, their RICO's revenue or income source.

In Illinois, she had stopped driving altogether. It was the cumulative result of a long string of vehicle mobbing attacks that started in Georgia.

She disagrees with me on this because she always gives people the benefit of the doubt. Nevertheless, I know for sure that she was collaterally targeted for auto insurance fraud several times in Georgia, which could have resulted in her being seriously injured or killed.

You, vehicular mobbing, auto insurance, or life insurance RICO fraudsters and murderers whose constant, persistent, and dangerous vehicular mobbing attacks targeted our bodily injuries and deaths have led me to sell my last car, a 2015 Prius, on December 20, 2021

Take a note of this date, because this was the last date of any of photos I have taken of your vehicular stalking-mobbing criminals. This vehicular stalking-mobbing lasted to the very last day I took my car to dealer to sell my car.

That's how awful it, vehicular stalking-mobbing, was for me, from December 2017 to December 2021. 

Insurance fraud entrapments and premeditated coordinated vehicular contract murders are all too easy for you, RICO criminals and murderers, on freeways, roads, and at intersections.

Looking back, many bad things happened to me where RICO criminals trying to hurt us with vehicles. 

I have been dealing with professional auto insurance fraudsters and premeditated vehicular homicide murderers on an almost daily basis for the past five (5) years.

In the picture above, I call it (A), "KILLING ZONES." I have driven almost 50 years, and I have never seen freeway merges (2), in order to merge into the main I-90, so dangerously designed as these. These were two of many areas where I had to deal with a dozen vehicular mobbing criminals almost every morning when I had to use I-90.

It appears that many of these criminals belonged to Mafia-style organized crime rings, many of these drivers had Wisconsin tags, that were aided by co-conspirators in law enforcement, government contractors to the Dept. of Transportation, public works, public safety, public health, public utilities and services, trade, ethnic NGOs, and other private industries and sectors that include community-ethnic grocery stores, retail, construction, transportation, banking, real estate investments and property management, medical care, and insurance.

To reduce our risk of being killed or injured, I stopped driving all together and sold our last car.

And for that, I congratulate you, auto insurance fraudsters and premeditated coordinated RICO vehicular contract murderers on I-90, I-94, I-55, and I-290.

You have succeeded in taking away our freedoms and livelihood and forcing us entirely to rely on your controlled, 24/7/365 monitored, and unsafe mobility systems (that's just my opinion, based on my own observation and experience as a marked, contracted, and targeted individual).

Your attempts to erase me off the map have failed!

<Updated last on September 7, 2024> I bring it to the fore today after almost three years of disbelief I had of these four individuals...