
7. March 11, 2021 (Park Ridge, IL Roadblock , Department(s) of Transportation-Illinois & KORAIL)

March 11, 2021 (Park Ridge, IL -Departments of Transportation-Illinois, Korea-KORAIL)

Updated last on September 20, 2024

I am going back to the very first date and the very first incident that gave me the awareness of my hidden enemies, institutional terrorists, who have worked so hard to get rid of me in most sadistic and heinous way possible. That is to drive me off the map to insanity, incarceration, and total incapacitation.

I am very pleased to inform you, institutional terrorists and RICO gangs, that you have failed miserably. Yes, you have failed miserably as far as duping me to my complete destruction or death.

Now, I am fully aware of who you are, even if I can't mention your names here.

It is now your time to worry about yourself—a possible 20 years sentence, forfeiture of all your ill-gotten assets, additional penalties and interest, and liable for civil lawsuits from all your victims in the past—not about your bosses, or your criminal enterprises. 

You should be hoping your co-conspirators in the same criminal enterprise haven't committed any other serious RICO crimes you do not know about.

And now to all law enforcers at all levels, I ask you to do your job as you have sworn-in to do.

In addition to knowingly overlooking, ignoring, or even encouraging by aiding and abetting other law enforcement and first responder criminals in form of illegal criminal entrapment fraud that often lead to premeditated murder—which is a serious crime in and of itself—it could be viewed as a flagrant breach of your sworn duty, betraying the confidence of the public in you to uphold their constitutional rights and the nation's Constitution, which you have sworn to defend by assuming your positions.

I am asking you, any duty-bound legitimate law enforcers—the US Attorneys and the Korean Equivalents—to do your job as you have sworn into your office to uphold the Constitution of your country!


March 11, 2021, around 2PM, Roadblock at Touhy Ave and Talcott Road, Park Ridge, IL  

Having to recall all the reasons I left Georgia has really started it all over again in Illinois. It was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life.

This was the very first time, in Illinois, that I knew something was gravely wrong, even though I was constantly getting trailed and stalked by many vehicles on the road in the past.

An East-Asian (Korean, Chinese, Japanese ancestry) policeman trailed me on eastbound Touhy Ave for a little while, and as I was on the left lane and the police cruiser on the right lane were about to reach the intersection, a roadblock sprang up as two (2) Community Services vehicles pulled up to the intersection, and three or four (3–4) men in "POLICE" vests stopped all four (4) ways of traffic.

I recognized one of them because I worked with him in Atlanta (Vining), Georgia, in one large room on the 2nd floor. He's an early-30s (20s then in 2014 or 2015) white male. He worked in the Internal Audit Department, and I was a contracted employee (over 2 year) of another department.

So, he got a new job in the Chicago area; what's the big deal, right?

To me, it was a big deal because all the alarm bells were ringing. To me, the question was more like, "What the hell is he doing over here?"

What is the probability of seeing a former colleague who once worked in the same room in Vining, Georgia, seven (7) years ago, 2014-2015 (?) at a roadblock in Park Ridge, Illinois, wearing a "POLICE" vest, stopping vehicles including mine at that intersection?

Just think about that for a moment. That just cannot be a coincidence.


That silver metal box at the corner is a property of the Illinois Department of Transportation. And those vehicles parked at the corner were its contractors' vehicles.

The East Asian policeman who trailed me was nowhere to be seen in the roadblock, only to see him again when I visited the police station later that afternoon.  

I saw the same East Asian police officer in civilian clothing one more time a few days after that at the HMart Niles, Illinois, parking lot. 

A few minutes after seeing him come out of HMart to the parking lot, a nurse parked her car next to me and walked into HMart. 

She was white, in her 50s, and wearing a light green-ash-colored nurse outfit with a jacket on top. At the time, I was waiting in the parking lot for my wife to finish her grocery shopping.

It was the same nurse I saw a few days later picking up a package from the front desk of the building where I lived at the time. I never saw her again. The distance between HMart Niles and where I lived at the time, in Chicago, was about one (1) hour, depending on traffic. What a huge coincidence!

Often, when suspicious circumstances are present and developing, a female nurse type is nearby. I don't know why.

Now getting back to the roadblock, the roadblock was a really long one, and many people started making only allowed right turns into South Talcott Road, and after a long wait, I made a long, wide right turn into South Talcott from the left lane of eastbound Touhy Ave. At the time, I was the second car in the left lane.

As soon as I turned that right turn and looked into the rear view mirror, I saw all four (4) ways of traffic moving again.

And I found my cell phone turned on, which I had turned off completely before I left home. And it had to have a 5-digit passcode to turn it on.

During those days, I saw a lot of dangerous driving maneuvers from other drivers on I-90, so I decided not to use my GPS, and my cell phone was completely turned off while driving. I realize now that that didn't help, since I was still getting even more dangerous driving maneuvers because they knew my GPS was off the grid.

The whole experience was so unsettling to me. So I visited the police station at around 4:15 PM and inquired about the roadblock. I was told by a police officer (a tall white male with dark beard) that it was a scheduled roadblock for repairing traffic signal lights. No further inquiries were answered.

There were a few men, apparently repairmen, near the silver metal box, with their service vehicles parked near the corner, but I didn't believe the police explanation.

I believe the whole roadblock was aimed at me, only at me. There were actors and staged vehicles immediately in front of me and around me during the roadblock. I am certain of this. 

And, on Talcott Road from the intersection later that same afternoon, I watched a speedster do over 100 mph in a spurt of a couple of seconds. I had never seen anyone drive that fast. It was a straight shot northbound on Talcott Road; there was no traffic. The man either got spooked by seeing me around the corner on North Talcott Road or he did it as a threat.

It gave me mental images of how deadly auto accidents can happen at intersections like this one, where criminal auto insurance fraudsters cause an accident by surprising other unsuspecting drivers to veer right or left to avoid this type of high-speeding vehicle, injuring and killing the targeted driver, and the perpetrator gets away into the Interstate Freeway system in few seconds. There is a high likelihood that this driver was from Atlanta and that he was a Caucasian male at my age.

There is a strong possibility that electronic recordings were made of the movement of my car during the roadblock. And my cellphone had to be on to record such electronic signals while I was in my car. It is likely that was the reason that the roadblock lasted so long. 

When I turned around and went back to the same intersection a few minutes later after the roadblock, there was a contractor carrying a strange-looking portable lamp-like object that did not seem to belong there.

Although I don't know how such recordings of electronic signals could be used, the whole experience was at the very least creepy and at most worrisome.  

Which was why I visited the police station later that afternoon around 4:15 p.m., which was one of the most extraordinary things I had ever done in my life. That was the first and only time I had ever been inside a police station up to that point of time. 

Upon entering the police station, the front desk (a Caucasian woman in her 50s) asked about the nature of my visit, my name, and my cell phone number. After about 10 minutes of waiting, a tall Caucasian male police officer with dark beard in his 30s or 40s came out. I asked about the roadblock and my cell phone turning on itself, and he said something about his own experience of his radio (communication) sometime not working properly there. Upon my continued question of the roadblock, he seemed to get irritated and said it was the "scheduled road block for traffic lights repair" with a sense of finality.

And I saw the same East Asian policeman in his 20s or early 30s who trailed me to the roadblock earlier that afternoon, about the same age as that of my old co-worker in Vinning, GA (2014–2015),  who was in a "POLICE" vest, getting out of the same police building about the same time I was exiting the same building.

The only other time I went to any other police station was around August 25s, 2022, when I went to the local police station where I lived in Korea at the time to report possible criminal harassment and threat activities occurring near me at the time. 

I suspected such threat activities due to an incident, I reported at a KORAIL station in another city. Instead, I got berated out by this young police officer in front of all the others (4-5) for lack of evidence and being out of their jurisdiction.

This is one of the main reasons I do not report any criminal activities occurring to me to the police. They would not listen to you unless you were dead, injured, had credible physical evidence, and were within their own jurisdiction (in this case, it belongs to KORAIL, even when I was reporting these suspicious threat activities occurring near me where I lived).

I use my own blogs (public or non-public) instead. My blogs have been my companion and weapon at the same time for the fight against these criminal institutional terrorists©. If I hadn't recorded my ordeals with institutional terrorists©, I would have long gone in the most horrible ways as they have planned.

And that's the story of another posting that involves subjective observation on my part and is also not suitable for public consumption.

On September 11, 2022, an attempt was made to run us over and force one of us into a ditch. They were all related. I have experienced several similar types of harassment and stalking activities in Waegwan, county seat of Chilgok-gun, Gyeongbuk Province of Korea.

These criminal activities all occurred in incredibly sinister criminal settings near where we lived or on our daily walks after we countered these two Korean stalkers from Skinner Park Chicago at this exact location on August 11, 2022. One of them has distinctive slant eyes you cannot miss once you see them.

I believe this is the main ancestral house of the "Shin" Family. This town has very strong presence of ancestral families of Presidents Park (2) and the 7th KCIA Chief, Shin, Jik Soo and many of their families' in-laws and relatives, Kim, Park, Hwang, Lee, Jung, Cho, Lim, and more.

If I really want to express my innermost suspicion, I will say that these activities, which appear to be targeted at me, are interconnected by criminal actors between two countries (Korea and the USA), and who else fits the role of liaison? Yes, these two Korean stalkers are from Skinner Park, Chicago, and Yakmok, Korea. Now, I am not saying that they are the main criminal actors, but simply the liaison, messenger boys.


Now, getting back to the roadblock, I strongly suspect that those contractors were not there to fix the traffic signals because I knew that the whole roadblock was staged, targeting me alone. 

One other interesting fact is that there was no police presence during the entire roadblock; they were all civilians wearing "POLICE" vests, and that Asian policeman could easily stop and direct the roadblock since that intersection falls under his jurisdiction. 

I now have a clearer understanding and realization that there are multiple groups, possibly multiple RICO gangs, who are trying to entrap me with auto-insurance fraud and nefarious intentions and illegally destroy me in the most vicious ways. Moreover, I believe these criminal activities were all sponsored by people I have known in the past.  

April 6, 2021, around 10:30AM  

Higgins and River Road, Rosemont, IL  

This was one of the cities (Rosemont, Des Plaines, Park Ridge, Niles, and Glenview) and an area near the O'Hare Airport where many vehicular mobbing and criminal fraud entrapment efforts by first responders (police and fist responders) occurred.

In Rosemont, there is a casino, a legal gambling place, where many of my attackers may have frequented. There is no proof, but I am quite sure that many entrapment criminal fraud attacks against me occurred around here near the airport, in Rosemont, Des Plaines, Park Ridge, and Niles, throughout the period my wife worked at the airport.

There were at least ten (10) vehicles pre-positioned and attempting to cause an accident. From Higgins Road, I was going to turn left onto N River Road. One car, with a female driver, was positioned across two lanes, touching the left turn lane, preventing me from reaching the intersection and waiting for the turn signal. Their plan was to delay my car until my turn signal turned yellow to red, which would force me to make an extremely hasty left turn. 

By a few seconds, I may have missed a major accident.  

So? You may ask, How many drivers out there haven't experienced those types of situations?

However, this coordinated set-up was almost identical to what I had done a month before, during the Touhy and Talcott roadblock.  

A month earlier, I would have exhibited that same movement with my car at the roadblock when my car did cross two lanes to make the right turn onto South Talcott Road.

And worst of all, that route was not our normal route, especially that left turn. I only talked to my wife in the car maybe 20–30 minutes earlier. This is why I believe my car may have been illegally eavesdropped on.

Rare coincidences with statistically almost impossible probabilities of occurrences are happening too often around me these days.

I can only surmise these are not random coincidences but meticulously planned, coordinated, and executed criminal fraud attempts to defraud, injure and kill me. 

On numerous occasions on roads and on freeways, and a number of times at intersections, a premeditated coordinated vehicular mobbing-homicide attempt like this was made on me and on my wife collaterally.

I was the perfect patsy.

I was the perfect patsy, designated to take all the falls for all my enemies' wrongdoings, crimes, and secrets from many groups of my en...