
Institutional Terrorists Sanctioned Killings & Donating Organ, Tissue, and Eye

When I say institutional terrorists, I am talking about organizations, let that be government agencies (law enforcement, first responders), corporations, churches (I am using it as the general term to describe all religious and faith-based organizations), hospitals, NGOs, non-profits, family foundations, labor unions, fraternal organizations, banks, credit unions, and state lobbyists-politicians.

And I am referring to institutional terrorists as the criminal leaders of these publicly recognized and completely legitimate public service organizations.

Reminder that any laws regarding organ, tissue, and eye donations fall under state jurisdiction, and each state's law may be quite different from other states in how their own state laws are applied. This is why state lobbyists are often hired to influence how state laws are written or changed.

These groups of international institutional terrorists have loftier ideals of public service missions, or rather use such a far loftier publicly stated mission as cover to kill their targeted individuals, often sanctioned by their victims' family members, to make these crimes of killing their targeted individuals appear to be all legal in the most inconspicuous fashions so that all parties involved in killing their targeted individuals get away scot-free of premeditated murders.

No money transactions are involved because these are all nonprofit for loftier public service missions, except for the targeted individuals who get killed for personal vendetta or corporate retaliation.

This way, the killings of their targeted individuals appear to be all legit, legal, and there is no need for strenuous investigations by law enforcement (often clueless on medical matters and organ transplant) or insurance fraud examiners.

Everyone gets away with the scot-free killing of their targeted individuals. 

But what if not all their killings are for the non-profit purpose of getting rid of individuals these institutional terrorists deem their enemies?

What if these institutions terrorists actively seek out their victims as contract-hit jobs for profit?

Because I am witnessing the same type of criminal fraud entrapment efforts by local Korean institutional RICO gangs, and they are closely related to those RICO gangs who have been attacking me in the US for the past seven years, I can only say these same criminal organ trading activities could just as well occur in Korea.

If I were Korean law enforcement, I would pay greater attention to crimes targeting minors and mentally challenged adults (지적장애자).

I can't pinpoint what those criminal activities really are, but there is definitely some sort of criminal activity that these sadistic psychopath criminals (including some criminal law enforcement first responders) are targeting or using with minors and mentally challenged adults (지적장애자).

Also, the routes by which these organs, tissues, and eyes are donated, acquired, and transplanted to the final recipients and how the final recipients get selected should be carefully monitored.

Do these recipients include foreigners too?

I do not know anything about Korean laws regarding anything—just about anything in Korea.

They made numerous criminal fraud entrapment attempts on me; some of them were deadly, using labor unions, rogue-criminal law enforcement members and first responders, dual citizens, and foreign nationals in the US, more specifically in Chicago area, and in Korea, some of which I may not even have recognized.

All those vehicular mobbing attacks from 2019 to the very day I left Chicago—there were hundreds of attempts to destroy me on the roads. These attacks may have been for the purpose of organ harvesting.

For these institutional terrorists, these attacks on me on the roads could have been perfect set up as killing two birds with one stone, killing their targeted individuals in most barbaric manners to satisfy their blood lusty psychotic egos and donating their enemies' organs for good cause, saving other more desirable people's lives in their crooked religious view.

The purpose of using foreign nationals in Korea is to divert attention away from Korean criminals, who are the real culprits of deadly attacks on me, and to incite hatred and unprovoked attacks on me. I am strongly suspecting that the criminal law enforcement elements (local gang members) were using foreign nationals in their attempts to hide their attacks on me.
I am counting on any duty-bound, legitimate, and honorable US Attorneys (District Prosecutors, there are ninety-three of them) and their Korean equivalents to investigate what I have written in my blogs.

You are dealing with the lives of hundreds, if not thousands. Save these targeted individuals; some of them are targeted for no fault of their own. Anyone could be targeted, including your friends and members (elders or minors) of your family, by these international RICO gangs.

I was the perfect patsy.

I was the perfect patsy, designated to take all the falls for all my enemies' wrongdoings, crimes, and secrets from many groups of my en...