
While I was going through my old blogs, this posting from almost two years ago caught my eye. I did not include it in my public blog up until today, believing I lacked evidence and that I was not ready to accuse anyone without substantial inner resolve to stand against these substantial and powerful adversaries.

Now I am. So I am posting it with my own 100% approval.

Man-In-The-Middle-Attacks are cyber crimes where criminals intercept, interrupt, interject, impersonate, and redirect targeted individuals' telecommunication links—cellphones and internet traffic—for the purposes of defrauding their targeted individuals.

But in a broad sense, it involves the total and complete control of targeted individuals' links to the outside world.

They use keylogging, hacking into the target's Wi-Fi network, eavesdropping, and secret video recording to gather all electronic and physical surveillance information.

In addition, this includes hijacking, opening, resealing, and altering the contents of a targeted individual's USPS mail.

Listed below is one of the man-in-the-middle attacks I have experienced, showing possible criminal elements of government employees, institutional terrorists, along with private sector corporate and religious criminal elements doing their own personal, corporate, or religious retaliation or a part of contracted jobs for profit.

I requested for Google Voice phone number, sometime in November or December 2021.

Each registered cellphone number within the 48 contiguous states is allowed to have one Google Voice number per cellphone if the subscriber asks for it. I stress "ONE" Google Voice number per "LIFETiME" of any cellphone number subscribed to within the 48 contiguous states.

I was given three choices that all had the area code 765 (Indiana) when my cellphone's area code was 773 (Chicago). And I chose one.

But the most bizarre thing about this number was that I happened to recognize that DBA (Doing Business As) name that was associated with this Google Voice phone 765 area coded number I was given, 765-5##-###5

I found this out by google it right after I was given this number.

However, that number no longer appears on the internet search engines anymore.

There was also a presence (situs, nexus) of this phone number in Burlington, Indiana and Brookhaven, Georgia, a physical address, and I recognized a few individuals associated with this cell phone DBA address. 

These individuals who had a nexus to this phone's DBA address, I have associated with since 2000 and up until very recently, as recently as 2019 in Atlanta.

Former and current occupants of those DBA physical addresses may have ties to and are located in Brookhaven, Georgia and Burlington, Indiana.

I was so concerned and worried by this whole thing that I cancelled that Google Voice number after I had it for about a month. I do not have that number anymore.

That's a very worrisome because that DBA name implies some sort of X-rated visual-related shop or rogue IT professionals' criminal extortion ring depends on how you interpret "Heavenly".  It could also infer religious, but knowing these individuals myself, I doubt that was the true intention of their business.

This was what I have worried that possessing that telephone number, 765-5##-###5, I could get implicated with those activities that this phone number was used prior to December 2021.

That DBA name included one additional word but I won't mention it here.

You see, in my blogs, I have talked millions of times about all sorts of criminal entrapment frauds that I was subjected to for past several years. This is related to such attempts.

Also, I strongly suspect these individuals and their cohorts are spread across Indianapolis, Indiana, St. Louis, Missouri, Memphis, Tennessee, and their connecting regional corridor, which centers around Springfield, Illinois, the state capitol of Illinois.

I really have bad feelings about these three cities, especially St. Louis, its surrounding metro, and this region, the central United States, the Transportation Hub, and Cross Roads leading every part of North America. I strongly suspect these nefarious individuals were either born, brought up in their childhood, schooling, or college, and their livelihood may still based in the region today.

These cities may have served as centers for drug and human trafficking hubs and transit routes.

Those nefariously dubious people I have previously known, probably associated with this DBA name, were associated with the 765 area-coded Google Voice number, 765-5##-###5.

I have witnessed so many coincidences that have occurred in the last seven years that had minuscule chances of occurring in real life. 

Like the one described here, these coincidences had almost impossible probabilities.

There is a one-in-hundred-millions chance, considering 10-digit cellphone numbers, a statistically impossible chance, that this could happen, but it has happened to me numerous times over the past seven years. 

It is for this reason that I do not discuss them with anyone in detail or divulge them in detail. People close to me will start thinking that I am crazy, insane, and all alone out there by myself. 

No one will ever believe me, and furthermore still, even those closest to me will begin to think I am crazy.

This is the exact goal of institutional terrorists: rogue or criminal law enforcement's intentional "on-the-lookout" criminal treatments of their targeted individuals, stalking, criminal fraud entrapment, and their PSYOP attacks.

The main objective of these RICO perpetrators is to make their targeted individuals look crazy so they can easily discredit the targeted individual's accusations of their criminal activities, move in for an easy kill, and escape the crime scene. scot-free.

The only way these coincidences can be explained is by realizing they are NOT REAL COINCIDENCES at all but premeditated meticulous planning by RICO criminals. 

Now, I can only imagine this sort of intricate criminal operation can only be accomplished with federal level Law Enforcement accomplices, because these are just too high tech and intricate crimes, and that require government employees within federal jurisdictions with top-level security clearance to pull this type of criminal fraud activity.

So now, I realize that some of these RICO attackers could be federally taxpayer subsidized RICO criminals, trying to ensnare me in their entrapment schemes. This is to destroy me from a faraway location.

It requires no physical violence but deadly high-tech cyber technology to accomplish this from a faraway location.

This is how these federally subsidized high-tech, IT, and government RICO criminals are using taxpayer-funded equipment and paid time to enrich themselves through private criminal hit contracts.

I believe the Hit Contract was offered to RICO criminals about seven (7) years ago, but the plan may have been hatched more than 20 years ago (2000) by individuals whom I may know very well.

What's even more outrageous and sinister is that these federally subsidized, taxpayer-funded, and some of these RICO criminals are PSYOP specialists, who employ and direct state and local law enforcers and various nationwide NGOs and their manpower to harass, stalk, and encourage physical attacks like vehicular mobbing and staged acts to criminally entrap targeted individuals 24/7/365, and by raising hatred levels against targeted individuals using lies and disinformation.

In these state-and institution-sponsored terror campaigns, fabricated lies, disinformation, and doctored electronic evidence are intentionally circulated to all nationwide law enforcement agencies and to the public by federal government RICO criminals who are my personal and corporate enemies to incite harassing stalking attacks by groups of perfectly normal, law-abiding, churchgoing, God-fearing citizens of our community, colleagues, friends, neighbors, relatives, and family members of the targeted individuals.

In either literal or figurative terms, these attacks aim to bury targeted individuals alive personally and professionally. 

These RICO criminals were not just destroying the targeted individuals, but their targeted individuals' whole families and their victims' networks of friends and co-workers by destroying their ties and trusts to targeted individuals by employing the most insidious, sinister, cruel, sadistic, inhumane crime tools and methods.

These are the criminal attempts by government, NGO, and corporate RICO criminals to set innocent targeted individuals up to take the fall for their or their bosses' and their criminal enterprises' wrongdoings and crimes.

People who are innocent and unsuspecting but isolated, an extreme minority within their environs in employment or in the neighborhood, easy targets to be used as fall guys, are subjected to multiple RICO gang attacks to divert public attention away from their own criminal activities.

Also often, unsuspecting innocent targeted individuals are used as sacrificial lambs for rogue or criminal law enforcers' criminal payouts in tangible or intangible financial incentives for conducting reckless criminal investigation activities without any regard to safety and respecting the constitutional rights and civil liberties of innocent bystanders and targeted individuals like me.

These crimes are illegally sponsored by employees of tax-payers funded (federal, state, and local law enforcement) government agencies, NGOs, nonprofit or for-profit corporations to retaliate and terrorize their targeted individuals which often lead to life-shattering physical and psychological injuries and death.

I always believed that as a part of criminal fraud entrapment schemes, those who sponsored and funded but were not physically involved in executing Man-In-The-Middle Attacks Interstate frauds over the internet or cellphone should be tried and prosecuted under the federal RICO statutes. 

Your attempts to erase me off the map have failed!

<Updated last on 3:03 AM CST, September 16, 2024> This latest and revised post is the cumulation of all my observations I made of thes...