
5. State-sponsored terrorism

The very first attack occurred on December 8, 2017, the Day of Pearl Harbor Attack, or "Day of Infamy", in Doraville or Chamblee, DeKalb County, Georgia, at a road that runs along I-85, (at a location just about exact borderline that includes all four jurisdictions: two cities, counties, and interstate jurisdictions (state & federal)) as an auto insurance fraud attack where auto insurance fraud professionals conducted a very elaborated auto insurance fraud scheme to entrap me criminally.

I fought back very hard against these auto insurance fraudsters, but irreversible damages and destruction occurred to us as a result of fighting these insidious RICO gangs and institutional terrorists for the past six years.

I suspect these are criminals whom I know personally due to the same neighborhood where we may have lived then or professionally, I worked with them, who may have funded or were the brain behind this auto insurance fraud attempt to criminally entrap me, and many attacks have followed since then.

Now, I am wondering whether these days of major attacks on me—December 8, 2017, July 4th, 2019, July 2nd (4th), 2021, and September 11, 2022—are these institutional terrorist criminals trying to tell me something by choosing such dates for deadly attacks?

I endured many deadly attempts on my life and, collaterally, on my wife's life, and was almost constantly under attack in the form of harassment, stalking, and sabotaging our daily life tasks.

The participants in these criminal entrapment frauds go into higher gear with even more sinister schemes as their criminal schemes do not materialize, often using juvenile (junior high school age) delinquent stalkers; often they appear to be drug users and drug peddlers on payroll by criminal RICO gangs or possibly equally-criminal law enforcement RICO gang members.

What an awful way to conduct stalking, surveillance, and other criminal activities using juveniles, junior high or even younger kids! 

That alone should be a serious crime by itself that should be punished very harshly for any adult, not just police alone, if in fact they were, using these kids for such criminal purposes.

I believe that the bulk of my adult assailants are affiliated with religious organizations.

All those institutional terrorists—police, first responders, quasi-governmental public corporations, and other governments' employees—may be members of the criminal elements of legitimate, well-established religious organizations or unknown fringe outlying religious death cults.

Stalkers of all ages, young and old, trail me constantly, harass me constantly, and try to sabotage our daily life routines around the clock. 

Is this what they called "gaslighting"? 

I see the word being used a lot in Korea, but I am quite sure that same criminal methods are prevalently used in the United States as well. 

They often use the term to describe a dominant individual psychologically abusing another individual for criminal purposes, such as life insurance fraud, extortions of criminal acts in threats of job loss or in lieu of paying off debts (mortgage, rent, car payments, illegal usury debts, or other tangible or intangible incentives).

However, when you substitute the dominant individual with government agencies or groups of politically powerful networked individuals who try to retaliate against their targeted individuals, like me, then I call it "state-sponsored" terror campaigns or "state-sponsored gaslighting".

I never really understood the exact meaning of the word, gas-lighting. However, I am very sure that gaslighting is some sort of psychological warfare operation (PSYOP) tool.

Is this what criminal or rogue members of all levels and various jurisdiction Police, KCIA (NIS), CIA, FBI, DEA, CBP, ICE, US Postal Inspectors, personnel in the Civil or Military Services, and their cross-agencies' coordinated efforts—often on an international scale in my case—would do to their contracted or targeted individuals to make them fall victim to their criminal fraud entrapments?

Dual citizens, or their hidden allegiance to their old countries instead of their current nationality, are key here. 

Those politicians, intelligence and law-enforcement operatives who put their religious, political aspirations and family vendettas before their sworn-in pledge to be faithful to a state of their nationality.

They saw me terrorized six years ago, December 8, 2017, and many subsequent dates of terror campaigns for that auto insurance fraud criminal entrapment attempt by many participants; likely they were my corporate and personal enemies known to me in the past and many unknown domestic institutional terrorists who have close ties to national, federal, or state law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Yes, I was so terrorized beyond my wits by what appeared to be the involvement of hundreds of police, firemen, EMTs, mobile crime lab technicians, professional auto insurance fraudsters, nurses, grocery chain store employees, mass transit and government contractors' employees, business owners, corporate executives, religious cult members, union members, and local ethnic gangs, trying to criminally fraudulently entrap me, injure me, and murder me in broad daylight under the pretense of legitimate law-enforcement operations.

These criminals had your garage door opener, house key, and your car fob copied or otherwise have human access tools to your personal properties so that they could easily frame you in their criminal fraud schemes.

They may even have circulated illegally eavesdropped and video taped materials among themselves to ensure and encourage their co-conspirators that their victim, me, was in fact terrorized witless, and that I was an easy target for criminal entrapment fraud, easy money, and many laughs.

Well, they have mistaken badly.

I was terrorized beyond my wits then because I saw I was going to get killed in organized terror campaigns without knowing who sponsored the killing, killing of me in most barbaric fashion, alone and hidden from the public eyes and framed.

I have felt the fear for the first time of what dying alone, especially being murdered, framed, must be like.  

Now, I understand the fear and terror that would have been felt by people dying from acts of premeditated murder by institutional terrorists, and I believe there may be hundreds and thousands of such victims. These are the same professional killers who were trying to criminally fraudulently entrap me, injure me, and kill me for profit.

Not anymore. 

Now I have blogs and other internet accounts to record my ordeals and prove that I was under attack by hundreds of faceless institutional domestic terrorists and international cartel criminals for the past six years.

And now, those initial fears are long gone, because now, I know who they are, even though I can't call out their names here due to lack of physical, prosecutable evidences.

Now, my attackers, institutional terrorists, should be terrified instead, because they have a lot to lose under the RICO Statute and premeditated murders if they have already committed or been associated with such crimes that carry no statutes of limitations.

My non-public blogs and many of my private accounts hold all the information about their insidious attacks and their criminal history, far more incriminating and personal than of my public blogs,

Their best protection is to distance themselves from these criminal attacks on me and hope that their co-conspirators haven't recently connected them to any other, even more serious crimes, or that they haven't committed any more significant RICO crimes.

These days, I am convinced that my enemies include highly placed individuals in governments, religious organizations, NGOs, non-profits, quasi-governmental-public utilities-telecommunication-mass transits-freight transportation-distribution public companies, and multinational corporations around the world, which make them RICO criminals and International Crime Cartel members of those international criminal activities of insurance fraud, bank wire fraud, human trafficking, forced prostitution of all sexual orientations, forced organ harvesting, and drug trafficking.

I was the perfect patsy.

I was the perfect patsy, designated to take all the falls for all my enemies' wrongdoings, crimes, and secrets from many groups of my en...