
9. 1992-present

Isn't a 30-year period long enough for planning, surveilling, spying, harassing, sabotaging, and destroying someone's life?   

The clock started ticking the day I left Hawaii(1992).

Should I not consider that 30-year period, the prime of my whole adult life, a productive period of anyone's life, personally and professionally?     

So basically, you have tried to destroy my life as a whole.   

You were actively and constantly spying on me using various surrogates and hired hands. Always try to find ingenuous ways to destroy my life all those years without getting yourself exposed.

This was as if you took a list of all the people I had associated with, a copy of our wedding photo, gathered information on all my and my wife's employers and their contacts, and recruited many of my and my wife's friends, acquaintances, co-workers, neighbors, and local RICO gangs to surveil and eavesdrop 24/7/365, subjecting me to electronic harassment like man-in-the-middle attacks, physical stalking, vehicular mobbing, and constantly making our life difficult in whole.

You even actively helped us find our jobs to make your job easy and to surveil and destroy our lives, unbeknownst to us at the time.

Of all those employers I and my wife were working for over last 30 years, you probably have known many of our co-workers, hiring managers, and acquainted with them well before we even got hired.  

Along the way, you found allies and willing participants who had the same aspirations and wanted to destroy us. And with their help, you could just sit back and enjoy watching us struggle and live under your thumb while your cohorts do all the dirty work on us, harassing and laying snares so we can trip and snag.

For those who were not willing to participate, you may have been using sticks and carrots, but most of them were willing and got on the bandwagon just because you made it sound so much fun and mercenary with your financially incentivized tangible or intangible offers and promises.   

Most of your cohorts' attacks were interstate, federal, nationwide, and even international, where the same participants in Georgia were seen in Illinois, in Korea and vice versa, and specialized attackers were recruited from elsewhere, wherever they were found.

You are even closely linked to a former KCIA (Korea Central Intelligence Agency) boss and his clan men. Your power base is still quite impressive. But I am not afraid to fight them if they ever cross the line.

Up until today and continuing, you are still looking for that one opportune moment where they, your hired hands local RICO gangs, can snare me, snag me, and destroy me forever.  

But I am still here. Damaged beyond repair but still alive with perfect sanity. My sanity, which you really have gone after for so many years, still works fine. So your attempts to drive me to insanity actually backfired.

Not because they did not try; they did try many times and failed, and they are probably still scheming many more plans ahead. 

But it's not that easy for criminals—your hired hands, RICO gangs, with a lot of bags on their own—to frame an innocent man. I have to say you have succeeded a great deal, however, because I am living under constant fear of traps and bodily harms.

It has been a very enlightening period for me last year or so, mainly in 2021. That was the year you finally showed your true faces.

Or, more accurately, I finally belatedly recognize who you really are. 

I am sickened to the very core of my soul, because now I am seeing the disgusting bare bottoms of your souls.

In the past, I have kept asking myself, Who would have that much hatred for me to spend that much energy for that lengthy period of time to destroy me and my wife collaterally?

I never thought there was more than just pure hatred involved.  

Yes, there was plenty of evil and greed—pure greed and evilness beyond what I could ever imagine.

Your goal, a complete destruction of me, was to be accomplished by following one of two options, and those attacks had to look innocent in the eyes of the lawmen:

1. premeditated murder through vehicular mobbing or untraceable, externally induced medical causes;


2. Total incarceration via criminal entrapment frauds or total incapacitation via driving me to insanity 


All those hidden insidious criminal fraud entrapment attempts in the past more than 30 years, most of them were well hidden and unrecognizable because I had no inklings or suspicions that such tenacious insidious criminal attempts were even possible.

But more notably, over the past 7 years, I started to recognize fraudulent criminal activities to entrap me in the hands of professional auto insurance fraudsters, which led me to believe in those criminal schemes of enormous magnitude involving many participants from many different socio-economic backgrounds, nationwide, international NGO members, and RICO criminals.

Now I know I am dealing with hired life insurance fraudsters, criminal fraud entrappers, and killers of many different professional backgrounds.    

All along until recently, I thought I was dealing with auto insurance fraudsters alone through their vehicular mobbing attacks, but now, I know, on top of auto insurance fraud attempts, I am dealing with life insurance fraudsters whose motives are far beyond the frauds that involve life insurance policies or something similar alone—that is, to get rid of me for good.

I never asked to be any part of your plans.

I suffered more than enough for the things I am not part of, and I have not contributed anything to your evilness.  

My only guilt is that I am the sole surviving keeper of inconvenient truths. 

All the ones who cared about me and who knew about me and my rightful place in the family have passed away, probably murdered, some at very young ages.

Now there are illegitimate individuals—your cousins and their offspring—who are trying to discard my rightful place in the family for their fake legitimacy.

And I am suspecting there are millions in fraud and money involved that you have no rights to. I have no actual knowledge of them yet, but my suspects are very strong.

How else can it be explained the intensity, the ferocity, and the desperateness of these attacks that are engaged against me after waiting almost 30–40 years? You are getting old, and you just want to get rid of me before it's too late.

I would not allow that to ever happen to me or to my wife. 

I will not go down without fighting. I have my own DNA to prove that you are the fakes and illegitimates.

Death isn't all that scary once I know who the killers are, and I know the killers know that I know. From that point on, the killers have to deal with their own conscience. I do not have to do anything. I leave them to Karma.

But in real and material terms, I have a moral obligation to my mother, as her only son, who passed away 57 years ago, in July 1966, and who was more than likely murdered in disguise of medical cause by rogue criminal KCIA operatives.

And those who abused and betrayed my trust are the same or worse than those actual illegitimate plunderers and sadistic schemers who have been at work so hard to destroy me for the last 30 years.  

I will treat them, all of them, as such and show them no mercy for what they have caused so much pain and destruction to our side of the family.

I was the perfect patsy.

I was the perfect patsy, designated to take all the falls for all my enemies' wrongdoings, crimes, and secrets from many groups of my en...