3. KCIA 중앙정보부 ***

The 7th Chief of Korea Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA)*

More than anything else, these two charts describe the history of contemporary Korea from the 1960s to the present. I can say that, because of my personal adversaries, I was unintentionally right in the thick of it and received the worst treatment of all.


Incorporate a few of the Kyungbok (경복) High School alumni, especially the 54th*, 53rd (my classmates) and 52nd graduating classes, who do not appear in these charts. There are alumni associations for KyungBok High School across the country, with chapters in Chicago and Atlanta among them.

I have never been a member, but there are several members who know me well through this alumni angle who may be closely tied to my personal enemies.

These charts also remind me of a number of old memories I still have about the presence of these two families, the 7th KCIA Chief and my father's current wife Shin & Lim. These memories include a large, imposing tomb that appears to be the tomb of this KCIA Chief's father, a house directly beneath the tomb, properties in Gunpo (군포), Gyunggi-Do (경기도), and then gradually, like a mosaic, all these disparate memories come together to form a complete picture.

And I came to believe that KCIA and its 7th Chief played crucial roles in my immediate family's demise then, and now to me as an individual half a century later by descendants and their clan men of Shin Jik-Soo.

I visited that house in Gunpo (군포) several times, thinking now that it could only have been purchased by the sale of our apartment in Seoul. My grandmother and I moved to near my Junior High School, DaeSeong(대성중학교) Middle School (1972-1974), graduated with its 4th graduating class.

The surnames of Lee, Cho, Hyun, Kim, Jung (Chung) and Shin, are the ones that really caught my attention when I looked at these charts, for different reasons.

I may even have my own nexus with these conglomerates through my own one-time and my wife's several past employments headed by former employees or relatives of these conglomerates.

In July 1966, my mother was laid to rest in an unmarked grave on the mountainside of the family-owned mountain. 충청남도 서천군 비인면 율리. 

This is the same town as his, Shin Jik-Soo, birthplace. Many of my personal enemies today had very close relationships with his family and his close relatives attending the same grade school, 비인 국민학교. 

I strongly suspect my mother and my grandmother's deaths were in some ways attributed to the rogue KCIA agents under his control, murderers, decades ago. 

These murderers are still alive and well in the United States and in Korea.

They are now attacking me to finish off our line of family. 

Remember that this KCIA Chief was the last KCIA Chief who survived until two days before the 911, according to the chart above. His successor, the 8th KCIA Chief, Kim Jae-Kyu, was the one who assassinated President Park in 1979 and was executed after a brief trial.

Thus, the 7th KCIA chief was de facto a king-maker of several through marriages as shown above charts, and many politicians and billionaires owe their power and ill-gotten fortunes to him.

The KCIA, 중앙정보부, especially under this particular Chief, was notoriously known for laying out well-choreographed criminal entrapment fraud schemes to entrap innocent people, political dissidents, torture them, and often killing them. 

They were truly masters of their trade, "Criminal Entrapment Frauds."

During those days, the Chiefs of the KCIA were like the second-most powerful people, only after President Park. I know this well because I lived in Korea until my early teenage years and attended a high school right next to the Korean Presidential Palace, the "Blue House."

Like many like him throughout human history, he turned very religious at the end of his life. I believe he became a "devote" Christian.

Like many of my alumni in the United States, almost everyone who emigrated to the United States from Korea became "devote" Christians regardless of their previous religious inclinations.

I was one of the very few exceptions. The religious make-up of the population in Korea then was about 50:50, Buddhists: Christians.

Now, their make-up in Korean communities in the United States is more like 99% Christians to maybe 1% Buddhists.

This complete change in religious make-up came from the fact that many early Korean immigrants who came to the United States used churches as their spiritual sanctuaries, sources of livelihood, and places where perceived community leadership occurred at the same time. 

In proof of my observation, you do not have to go any further than seeing the sheer numbers of Korean churches in the United States.

This also proves my opinion that many of these churches' leaders are nothing more than con-men who use churches as their source of income and livelihoods.

Many of my alumni became leadership positions in their own religious circles owe to their early immigration to the United States.

I attended KyungBok High School (경복고등학교), 1학넌 14반, in 1975. If I hadn't come to the United States in November 1975, I would have graduated with the 53rd class.

I am mentioning this because I believe there were alumni and their friends in both the United States and Korea attacking me in coordination with other RICO criminal associates. 

For them, it had to do with the sadistic, egoistic enjoyment of seeing me suffer at the beginning, but now their legitimacy and survival depend on my demise.

Many of my alumni and their friends are at the top of the government, religious, and corporate worlds with the help and connections of my fateful enemies in the United States and in Korea.

Many at the executive levels of corporations, quasi-governmental public corporations, and leadership positions in religious circles are the ones who are the planners and the brains behind the attacks on me over the last six years.

This is also why the street-level institutional terrorists are so fearless in attacking me for past six years believing their backs are covered by these politically powerful people.

And then, there are many religious psychopaths—my alumni, their friends, and their business associates—who use God as their cover to do all kinds of evil deeds, turn to God for repentance and forgiveness afterward, and still expect themselves to be in haven after their judgment day.

They completely expect God to abolish all their previous sins and the consequences of their evil deeds and still send them to haven. 

They truly believe themselves to be "chosen" people who are not afraid to attack non-Christians and non-Abrahamic faiths, especially people like me who are so different from their own backgrounds, even though I am a Korean American like them.

I have seen many of these disgusting religious psychopath scumbags in their respective places of worship, often preaching and leading their flocks of followers every Saturday and Sunday.

I also have many of these types of sick individuals in the corporate world and in government(s). 

With God covering their backs, they would not hesitate one minute to help entrap innocent non-believers fraudulently and punish heretics and enemies of their churches, synagogues, tabernacles, mosques, and temples in their view.

Your attempts to erase me off the map have failed!

<Updated last on September 7, 2024> I bring it to the fore today after almost three years of disbelief I had of these four individuals...