18. Institutional terrorists

Institutional terrorism, I define it as terrorism by institutions, or more accurately, terrorism by bad actors—employees or members—of institutions such as government agencies, politicians, law enforcement, first responders, attorneys, banks, doctors, nurses, criminal justice system, religious organizations, corporations, NGOs, trade unions, trade fraternal organizations, or other institutions of public utilities, services, and trust.

I want to say something I have always wanted to say about these institutional terrorists that I have been talking about for a long time.

You know, when I say "institutional terrorists," I am talking about criminal members of the following groups of people who terrorized their chosen "targeted individuals" using their positions of power or public trust:

Law enforcements

First responders 

Medical doctors and nurses

Attorneys and criminal justice systems

Bankers, Insurance, financial professionals

Government leaders and employees

Trade Unions, Trade Fraternal Organizations

Religious organizations 

Real Estate Investment and Property Management Companies.

Corporate executives (including Nonprofits and NGOs)

Public service, quasi-governmental corporations' executives and employees

Politicians, Lobbyists and Unregistered Foreign Agents

Local community leaders

Local business leaders

Their approach to selecting their chosen targets is universal. 

That is, they always pick on the weakest and most vulnerable, powerless people as their victims, and then they pour out the most hateful, sadistic, almost satanic approach when attacking their targets.

That's because these institutional terrorists, hardcore psychopathic criminals, know they can get away with whatever crimes they commit against their powerless victims. With some twisted, ego-tripped self-grandiosity, they tried to outdo each other in attacking their targeted victims in terms of viciousness and notoriety.

That was the same in Georgia. That was the same in Illinois. And that was the same in Korea.

In other words, these institutional terrorists are much the same everywhere you go—worse human beings than the common street criminals we see locked up in prisons.

These criminals, institutional terrorists, are from a special breed, from a special stock of life forms.

And they are bloodthirsty predatory animals who are smart enough to stay out of prisons using their positions of public trust and protection of their trade unions or fraternal organizations.

These criminals do not see their victims as their equal but only as their prey, something they can toy around with until their prey are dead and motionless.

I am probably the first one who have ever used the term "institutional terrorists" to describe the criminals I have been fighting against past six years.

For that alone, I am doing something very positive and great work to save many untold numbers of victims from organized institutional terrorism by bringing public interest to these shady, hidden, sadistic criminals who often use their badges or positions of public trust to commit heinous crimes like premeditated murders by criminal entrapment frauds, insurance frauds by premeditated murders, human trafficking, prostitution, and drug trafficking.

Your attempts to erase me off the map have failed!

<Updated last on September 7, 2024> I bring it to the fore today after almost three years of disbelief I had of these four individuals...