
10. Years of the Dog -1946 & 1958

In this blog, I will mention two individuals born in 1946 and another five individuals in Atlanta and Chicago who were born in 1958, the Year of the Dog, who have destroyed our lives via incessant criminal fraud entrapment attempts for the past seven years using their criminal cohorts—their family members and relatives—in governments, multinational corporations, and religious death cults.

They alone (1946) single-handedly destroyed my and my wife's lives, our whole family, and our extended ancestral family.

And these five individuals (1958), along with their siblings—brothers, sisters—their in-laws, church members, and other ethnic RICO gangs that include my corporate enemies, their hired institutional terrorists—law enforcement, first responders, and labor union members—in Atlanta and Chicago, acted as on-site planners and executioners of criminal frauds. 

These same individuals, along with their relatives, friends, and local gangs in Korea, are behind the same criminal attacks to finish the job—injure and kill me, literally or figuratively—that are occurring in Korea almost every day ever since I came to this country, more notably ever since I encountered those two Korean stalkers from Skinner Park Chicago in Yakmok, Chilgok-Goon Korea, on August 11, 2022.

Leaving them out of the picture would be so unfair to all other suspected criminals who have attacked me over the past seven (7) years, whom I have mentioned throughout my blogs.

One is my uncle, and the other is my father's current wife.

The other at least five individuals (1958 Dog-Year people), along with their siblings and in-laws, are long-time residents and well-known businessmen in their ethnic communities in Atlanta and Chicago. Their professions are in insurance, real estate, medicine, CPAs, and law. They, along with their cohort gang members, have tried to injure and kill me numerous times via criminal fraud.

I want to add one very vicious group of attackers to this list: this uncle's longtime friend, HWANG, probably his high school friend ㅡ in Chicago (Skokie, Niles, Des Plaines, Glenview, Buffalo Grove), this in-laws, and this friend's children in Atlanta and Korea, notably in ones in Yakmok, Chilgok-goon, and Gumi, Korea.

This friend's whole family, including this friend's (ex)wife, one-time live-in partner of this uncle and business partner, this friend's daughter, this daughter's friends, especially ones in law enforcement (city, state, and federal level), and one of her family friends with a MPH who worked at a renowned international public and business consulting firm, their relationships with executives, and my co-workers of the employer where I worked as a contracted employee in Vining, GA.

And this friend's son, and this son's girlfriend (wife), one-time my co-worker in LaGrange, GA—in Chicago and Atlanta—were deeply involved in attacking me for many years, from Atlanta, Chicago, and Korea, probably from the very beginning of these attacks on me on December 8, 2017.

And there may be cousins from this uncle in Korea and in the US whom I did not know I had from this uncle's previous complicated marriage in Korea.

His ex-wife(s), his biological son(s) (this cousin may use Dutch-American surname of his adopted father or stepfather) and daughter(s) somehow bent their angers on me instead of directing their angers to the real culprit, their father and their ex-husband who has abandoned them. 

This cousin's profession may be a male nurse, an EMT, a fireman, an instructor of some sort of emergency medical training, or a licensed pharmacist in the US.

And I probably already met him once in a park where we go almost daily for walking near the place where we live today in Korea, sometime in October or November 2023. 

And if this uncle had another younger son, not from the same mother, this son was an attorney in his early 30s who lived or worked near Lilburn, Georgia, in 2018.

And there is a likelihood that one of his children is gay, a gay right activist with political involvement in Chicago, Atlanta, Boston, Baltimore, and Korea.

I have worked at places where many of my co-workers were gay. I have nothing against them, but they do sometime harass their co-workers, and a few were very vicious, vile, and dangerous people.

I am not accusing them of anything, but I suspect there is a very strong possibility they could have been involved in these pernicious attacks on me that were carried out throughout the last seven years in the US and in Korea.

Our lives are completely destroyed by this uncle and his co-conspirators. It was mainly my fault allowing these criminals to barge into our lives in 2005. 

They were the whole and sole reason why I and my brother-in-law could not stay in partnership, building a successful business, and ended up giving up all our control of the company to him and to his live-in partner at the time, who was also related to his long-time friend in Chicago. I mentioned him in length in this blog.

I had never met her, his live-in partner, before that time in 2005. Her maiden name, "Chang," reminds me of this uncle's first wife in Korea. She had the same surname. I don't remember her full name. Maybe she is related to her.

There are two women I want to meet if there is a chance. Both are former wives of our two uncles. One was Ms. Chang and another was Ms. Kim. I have very fond memories of these women. They have took care of my two sisters. I am very thankful of these two women. 

One probably is living somewhere in Korea while another is living somewhere in the US or in Europe.

Thank you. I hope you both are doing well.

They acted as our sisters' surrogate mothers until we came to the United States. 

We all have taken his words at face value that he was a divorced man at the time. He was married to Ms. Choi in the US with one daughter between them.

Now, I am not so sure whether he was actually divorced man at the time, seeing all these pernicious attacks coming from people related to him.

In hindsight, this whole business setup looks very fishy. Now I don't believe that woman whom I was told was once the ex-wife of his long-time friend in Chicago was not the same named person we, my brother-in-law and I, relinquished our shares of the company to her, this claimed live-in partner at the time.

Her maiden name then was Chang. That was the name she signed when we drawn up the sale contract of that business. But her married name was Hwang and she could be still remained married to this uncle's long-time friend in Chicago. Their stories of the divorces with their ex-spouses  could have been just lies to get into our lives and destroy our lives.

Were we duped, then, by my own uncle and his business and live-in partner? Now, I believe we were. The question I have now is: who else knew about this fraud and was behind this business fraud scheme? Another Dog Year (1946) person and her brothers?

Not that makes any difference now, because those days I would have done anything to get out of that partnership if I could get back the initial investment my brother-in-law had put up for that partnership. I couldn't have lived with the guilt of the fact that my sister lost all her hard-earned savings because her brother wasted it all in an ill-fetched business with this uncle.

I was so relieved then I got out of that partnership with my brother-in-law's initial investment money back. But this uncle and his live-in-partner received the full ownership of the thriving business and mortgaged but a nice house in Athens, Georgia. 

And later I found they owned another nice house near their company in Lawrenceville, Georgia. And a new big nice van on top of Toyota truck we bought for the company. So obviously they were doing really well after takeover the company.

So I did not leave the company because the company was doing poorly; quite contrary, the business was booming, but he appeared to have second thoughts about having the company ownership shared with me, constantly complaining about the speed of business expansion and take-home pay and appearance of moving things to his home, building a new business at his home in Athens, Georgia, knowing he holds all the keys to manufacturing dental instruments and I know very little. I had to get out because I sensed that I would meet the same fate as my grandmother if I stayed any longer in business with him.

In retrospect, basically, he barged into our lives to defraud his own nephew by dangling the sad stories of his life. And he did accomplish more than simple fraud; he basically destroyed our whole lives ever since then with his lies, disinformation, and insidious criminal attacks from his cohorts and his friend's family in Chicago, Atlanta, and Korea.

Now that I know that he was just not an honest man, let alone a trustworthy business partner, I should have never believed anything coming out of his mouth.

Now to think of it, he was just sort of that type of person—a troublemaker all his life for our ancestral family—very intelligent, very high IQ, but a big troublemaker nonetheless. 

He drove his own mother, my grandmother, to a life of hell with the business debts he incurred while embarking on his outlandish business adventures, most likely with his equally criminal business associates—debt collectors—hounding his mother until she met a sudden death alone one day.

I did not fully comprehend until very recently, because now I see many attackers over the last seven years who were related to him by previous marriage in Korea, live-in partnerships, and his long-time friend in Chicago, whom I mentioned in length in this blog.

They, along with their relatives and their business associates, even probably owned at least two houses very near to ours in the same subdivision around 2017 for this planned retaliation, stalking, spying, illegal electronic eavesdropping, information gathering, and criminal entrapment fraud purposes. I have lived in the same subdivision for over 20 years. 

There were several hidden criminal activities, mostly organized harassment, stalking, vehicular mobbing, insurance fraud, threat of bodily harms, criminal fraud entrapment activities targeted me were occurring these periods (2017 - August 12, 2019). 

The participants in these criminal activities were largely made up of local ethnic gangs, which may have included law enforcement and first responders.

Especially, I want to point out that this daughter, who was also a CPA like me, her close family friend with an MPH (Master of Public Health—worked at a renowned international public and business consulting firm), and a few state or federal law enforcement officials may have had close business or co-worker relationships with at least two or more of the executives and employees of the employer where I worked as a contracted employee for over two years in Vining, GA.

She also worked at one of the major Korean conglomerates in Korea. 

She probably secured that job with the help of my fateful enemies.

She also worked very closely with ethnic Southwest Asian (Indian) business people in California, Georgia, and Illinois in the past.

I have noticed that there were many unknown, unexplainable hostilities coming from individuals in the States of Virginia, Massachusetts, and California, places where I never really spent any time. That too is somehow related to her and her family friend with a MPH degree.

I may have spent little over 100 days of all my life—almost hundred days in San Diego USMC boot camp, Twenty-Nine Palms, California in the 1980s, and Virginia and Massachusetts which I only passed through a few times.

She could also be tied to one (male) of the two dubious individuals I have mentioned in my blog. 

Both worked at the same bank, one of the biggest banks in the US, one as an international banking specialist (a Caucasian male) and the other (a Korean female) in bank branch operations manager. 

This same Caucasian male may have been the close confidante of my father's current wife, a son of an old family friend and business associate with a Polish surname who may have also handled the family businesses' finances.

This was also the main bank of mine with the most transactions while living in Georgia. 

That means they could have easily accessed my financial transaction information, knowing my personal ID information well through these two fateful enemies of mine, the Dog Year (1946) people, from very early on, probably 2008, from the period I worked at LaGrange GA.

By the way, I did receive many odd stalking activities throughout the metro Chicago area at the same bank's branches throughout metro Chicago area - at the Niles branch near Walmart, one in Little Italy, and one near the Pulaski CTA station. I felt that distinct risks of bank transaction sabotage attempts. She along with her co-conspirator criminals in law enforcement may well have been in middle of stealing my money.

These same individual, the female Korean, in the US, including the two Dog Year people I have mentioned, are somehow deeply involved in criminal attacks on me in Yakmok, Chilgok-gun 칠곡군 약목면, Korea, too.

I am very and completely sure their family members (relatives and in-laws), along with many other attackers in the US and in Korea, have very strong family ties to this small town, Yakmok (칠곡군 약목면), Korea. I always felt their presence near where I lived in that small town (April 2022–April 2023). Many businesses in the town were either owned by her family or her relatives.

This particular group of family members and their in-laws are also closely connected to these two dubious individuals I saw at Bunker Hill Park in Chicago on March 29, 2021, and these two Korean stalkers from Skinner Park in Chicago I saw in Yakmok, 약목, 칠곡군Korea, on August 11, 2022, through this uncle and his in-laws and his live-in partners in the past.

I eagerly moved away from that miserable, hellish town once my one-year lease expired.

As more time passes after the initial shock of seeing them in Bunker Hills Park in Chicago with two dubious individuals whom I recognize very well on March 29, 2021, nothing, however extraordinary that may be, will ever surprise me anymore.

These two dubious characters were:

One Caucasian male in his 40s who was also an acquaintance or a church (I used it in general terms; it could be a synagogue, temple, tabernacle, or other place of worship) related friend of my old co-workers in the same department I worked in Vining, GA (April, 2013–January, 2016). I am quite stunned by it. How did they, my co-workers, know about this guy? This tells me that my co-workers (at least two (2); there could be a lot more) knew about this individual long before March 29, 2021.

This same Caucasian male may have been the son of an old family friend and business associate with a Polish surname who has also worked in the family company as a finance manager. This means this Polish guy and that Korean woman, who both worked at the same bank, may know each other well, may have conspired those attacks on me.

My co-workers showed me a photo of this guy with a prominent facial feature one day in 2015. I can't remember the exact context behind why they brought this photo to me and showed it to me so nonchalantly and with bemusing smiles. I wondered about it then, and I still do not know exactly why. 

But now I think I begin to understand why. This was all part of the show-off, just like serial killers leaving their marks brazenly at their crime scenes and taunting investigators to catch them.

Yes, that is the same type of mischievous human ego that often puts many people into big trouble.

This happened so many times in the past six years, when many of my old Georgia neighbors, co-workers—Atlanta (one or two), Vinning (more than one, at least three, not counting their family members), La Grange (two Koreans), GA, and other acquaintances—popped up in the wrong places at the wrong times in Illinois. I think they all enjoyed it very much, seeing me bewildered and stunned.

The other was a Korean woman in her 50s, a medical doctor type, who was likely related to one of my classmates from the high school (경복고 1학년14반) in Korea in 1975, and a friend and a relative to those Dog Year (1958) born attackers in Georgia. 

She was also found in a photo on the internet of a medical group; for its name sake, this medical group must be located near the major hospital near the West Loop, Chicago, which had about 20 individuals of multi-ethnicity - Caucasians, Black, Korean, Southwest Asians (Indian), and Southeast Asians (Thai).

These were all young in their twenties and early thirties except this Korean woman.

Another Korean, a man in his 30s, in the photo was either a brother or a son of one of those "Dog Year 1958 people" whom I strongly suspect were behind many attacks on me, along with many of his Dog Year 1958 friends in Atlanta and Chicago, along with many others who are a few years younger than them. I was born in the Year of the Boar (1959 Chinese calendar year), so they are either one year (1958) or thirteen years (1946) older than me. 

Just because you are not one of these "Dog Year" people I have mentioned, do not think you are off the hook. I know all of you and what you have done to hurt me. 

You all had no remorse whatsoever for sending an innocent man, me, to tailspin into total destruction—insanity, injury, and painful death. 

I won't have any remorse whatsoever for helping send you, sadistic psychopaths, criminals, to jail to pay for your crimes of completely destroying innocent people's lives, mine and my wife's, often subjected to attacks that may have resulted in bodily injuries and painful death for the past seven years.

In retrospect, these two 1946 Dog-Year people did everything to disenfranchise and destroy my immediate family, especially me, via lies and disinformation. 

They have actively recruited and helped my high school classmates from Korea and Illinois, and other their family friends' sons and daughters who are close to my age (1958–1966) to disgrace me and to be compared with me. 

They relished the fact that I was doing so poorly while their "surrogate children" in Chicago, Atlanta, and Korea were doing extremely well with their helps and their political connections.

They have always wanted to compensate for their illegitimacy by destroying me in the end. 

There is another benefit, the most important one: hiding from me the fact that their daughter is not in any way biologically or genetically related to me, the real ancestral heir of the family. They want to destroy me so that their fake legitimacy can survive to perfection forever.

I was the perfect patsy.

I was the perfect patsy, designated to take all the falls for all my enemies' wrongdoings, crimes, and secrets from many groups of my en...