
1. Religious-Corporate-Governmental Institutional Terrorists, ILPP & Contract Killing via Criminal Entrapment Frauds

- Last updated on October 5, 2024 -

Everyone who tried to destroy me for the past seven years are highly placed individuals in religious-corporate-government entities.

These are highly educated, professionally well-placed religious terrorists who target anyone they deem enemies. These terrorists are present, many at executive and leadership levels, in multinational corporations, international NGOs, and governments of all levels, especially employees, contractors, sub-agencies in the Departments of Transportation (Illinois and Korea), state and national law enforcement including those who are responsible for mass transit and freeways, and first responders.

They often work in banking, insurance, medicine, real estate investments and management, governments, and federal and state law enforcement agencies who target their churches and temples' enemies, targeted individuals, for total destruction.

Attackers on me largely came from religious backgrounds, their hatred largely expressed by retaliations using their church and temple members in government, law-enforcements, public transit and utilities companies, spanning across the globe over the last seven years.

Last seven years, I was under their intense hate campaigns. That still continues.

They are everywhere. They are mega-millionaires, drug traffickers, human traffickers, medical-dental-nursing-diagnostic, trucking, freight, and convenience stores franchise owners, medical equipment manufacturers and franchisers, car dealers and exporters, bankers, politicians, grocery chains operators, police, firemen, multinational corporate executives, and local business owners.

They are everywhere where I live; their churches, temples, and places of worship are located around the world.

These are emotionally charged-up vicious criminals who will not stop until either they get put away as RICO criminals or I get killed in the most vicious manners for revenge.

Wherever I go, these religious psychopaths are following me, contracting their local gangs, local churches, temples, or other related places of worship if their church is not present at my location.

I get constantly stalked and harassed around the clock by their local criminal gangs everywhere I go. They are all part of multi-ethnic gangs and international crime cartels.

Criminal members of unknown Churches of Latter-Day Saints (Atlanta, Korea, Chicago, and elsewhere). Many of my co-workers and executives were the LDS Church members.

Criminal members of unknown Jewish Synagogue (Atlanta, Chicago, & elsewhere) - Many of my co-workers and executives were ethnic Jews.

Criminal members of unknown Korean Catholic Church (Atlanta*, other East European and Hispanics ethnic based in Chicago) 

Criminal members of unknown Korean Buddhist Temples (Chicago*, Korea, and elsewhere in US) - Several of my enemies are Buddhists.

Criminal members of unknown West Asia Indian, Arabs, South East Asian Religions (Hindu, Islam) Organizations. Many of attackers were Hindu Indians, Bangladesh or African Muslims.

Criminal members  of unknown Reformed Churches in Atlanta, Chicago, and Korea - Many of my Korean enemies attended this church.

Criminal members  of unknown Maum Meditation Centers and their related deviations in the US and Korea; Their members working at major Korean ethnic grocery chains in the US, KORAIL, LX, Korean Governments. Maum Meditation Centers are all religions and faiths inclusive organizations where my wife (a long-time member) and I (a short-time member) were members.

Criminal members of many other non-main-street Christian Churches I do not recognize. (Atlanta, Yakmok, Korea)

My corporate and personal enemies, who consist of a shadowy cabal of politicians, bankers, and multinational corporate executives with the highest political clout in the US who exert extraordinary power over national law enforcement in both countries (US and Korea), got my name added to the Intelligent Led Predictive Policing database.

From 1993 to 2016, I worked in the American corporate world as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with extensive knowledge and experience in Corporate Accounting in compliance and reporting.

However, they made sure that I would never get another job that supports my living from professional accounting background after I left my last position.

After a few years of completing my CPE requirements using the AICPA's online courses, I finally voluntarily gave up my CPA license by not renewing it and letting it expire after suspecting unscrupulous activities in connection with my CPE audit. I believe several of my corporate enemies were involved in sabotaging the proper counting of my CPE credits. 

Within this very secretive banking and political cabal are leading members of major religions and their sub-fringe branches of those religions.

Thus, I was subjected to attacks by members of religious cults and churches, including stalking, harassment, sabotage of activities that supported my daily life, and criminal entrapment fraud attempts using a variety of cutting-edge technologies and tools in order to lock me up in prisons, mental hospitals, or kill me on the roads for organ harvesting purposes.

That was their original plan. But because they—street-level thugs, hired hands, and institutional terrorists—made the grave error of underestimating me and playing with me for too long in an effort to make side money and take pleasure in watching me suffer from my misfortune, everything went awry once I became extremely suspicious.

This program, intelligence-led predictive policing, created to prevent crimes even before they occur, is actually being used by institutional terrorist law enforcers to frame criminal entrapment frauds on many innocent lives and their families in the form of driving targeted individuals to insanity, injuries, and premeditated murders by 24/7/365 eavesdropping, surveillance, institutional stalking, and criminal entrapment fraud.

I have been a victim of organized hate crimes of institutional terrorists©, intelligence-led predictive policing abuse for the past seven years.

The man-in-the-middle attack and other high-tech eavesdropping, hacking, heat tracking sensors, garage door opener code copying, lock picking, car fob coping, use of medically dangerous microwaves, and other life-disruptive electronic sabotage tools, including Parallel Computing and Multi-Locations Input Processing Manipulations©, have been used criminally and fraudulently entrap me. 

The multi-locations-input-processing-manipulations© are used by criminal IT and law enforcement professionals for auto insurance frauds and other criminal entrapment frauds in creating fraudulently doctored electronic evidence. 

For now, I know a few of them are data mining and data analytic manipulation experts, and their geographical remote locations may be spread out to all over the world: China, Korea, Indianapolis, IndianaMetro St. Louis, Illinois and Missouri, Nashville, Knoxville, Tennessee-Franklin, North Carolina, New York, Virginia, California, Minnesota, Georgia, and on and on, multi-ethnic computer programmers.

Basically, intelligence-led predictive policing (ILPP) is how rich corporate executives and politically powerful criminals are getting rid of their threats, targeted individuals, by contracting law enforcement criminals.

The intelligence-led predictive policing (ILPP) program is founded on a nationwide police information sharing system, so once your name gets put on its database system with malicious and criminal intent and fraudulently, your life is permanently destroyed without any due judicial review.

Your life is constantly monitored, stalked, harassed, and sabotaged by local law enforcement criminal gangs and their criminal cohorts wherever you go; interstate and international travel are no exception.

And you become the primary target for criminal fraud entrapments by local, state, federal, or even foreign law enforcement who are eager to produce results.

Often, local criminal gangs are contracted and deployed in criminal fraud entrapment efforts where various profit-generating schemes—criminal entrapment frauds—are deployed. Your local attackers are present around the clock, often in ear-shot range physically or figuratively relationship-wise (co-workers, church members, friends, or someone you know well).

Your name on the intelligence-led predictive policing database gives institutional terrorists and RICO gangs the license to entrap fraudulently, maim, and kill you, a targeted individual, for profit.

I believe my name was put on the database by my personal and corporate enemies fraudulently, with malicious and criminal intent, using their close relatives and friends working in state or federal law enforcement agencies at the highest level.

From there on, it became all automatic and self-fulfilling prophecy.

Any innocent daily activities became suspicious daily activities and were reported selectively fraudulently and often photoshopped; fraudulent dossiers on me exponentially increased until one day the criminal sponsors of contract gang stalking consummate their business transactions with a final act, contract killing.

All their planning and execution of their criminal activities are easy because they all have all the information they need from 24/7/365 eavesdropping using tax-payer-funded high-tech equipment and tools. Often, ILPP's targeted individuals became the guinea pigs for trial test runs for these equipment, tools, and study materials, where law enforcement terrorist students learned and eye-witnessed the progress of criminal entrapment fraud targets nearby.

If you follow my blogs, you will see undeniable evidence of the involvement of rogue criminal law enforcement activities at the international, federal, state, and local levels, all coordinated and involving many ethnic international criminal cartels (human trafficking, prostitutions, bank and wire frauds, drug trafficking, insurance frauds, bribes and extortions, and more).

I believe intelligence-led predictive policing has violated my constitutional rights for the past seven years and incurred irreversible damages in terms of personal and professional reputation, finances, loss of trust in family and friends, and my life as whole permanently damaged.

I believe that the abuse of the program (ILPP) by institutional terrorists and RICO gangs has killed unknown numbers—hundreds and thousands—of innocent lives by driving them to insanity and putting incarcerated illegally.

The ILPP also cause life-debilitating injuries and deaths due to 24/7/365 exposure to insidious criminal stalking, vehicular mobbing, auto-life insurance frauds often conducted in cross-agencies coordinated entrapment frauds.

I believe that there may be hundreds and thousands of victims who are like me, who lost everything, many with their own lives, because of this absolutely unconstitutional policing program, intelligence-led predictive policing, that violates the core provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution: civil liberty and equal protection.

All these unconstitutional criminal infringement to citizen's rights happened after the 911 with passing of Patriot Act in 2001 under George W. Bush, and now it led irreversible downfall of the United States I know, I loved to be a part of since 1975.

The Patriot Act allowed rampant abuse of warrantless eavesdropping on political opponents. Information gathered from such eavesdropping is used illegally to fraudulently entrap their targeted individuals, followers of their opposing political party.

The Patriot Act has destroyed individual rights to free speech and free expression by labeling them as hate crimes and terrorism, creating MSM (mainstream media) as tools of politicians, irresponsible bureaucrats sending billions and trillions of dollars overseas playing international brinkmanship of humanity while its own infrastructure is ever-courting disasters in every corner of the nation, and rampant warrantless eavesdropping and surveillance of its citizens.

And then there are too many dual-citizen politicians, forever entrenched government bureaucrats, and billionaires who owe no allegiance to any country but to their own powers and riches.

They all abuse their power by obtaining ill-gotten riches and protecting their job security by ever-increasing government deficit spending, MIICC (military industrial intelligence congressional complex) incentives, and all sorts of corporate incentives given to multinational corporate monopolies at the absolutely no benefits to taxpayers.

They have created so many alphabet soup budget-bursting national security programs like Intelligence-Led Predictive Predictive Policing. 

But in reality, have these programs really done their jobs?

I do not think so. 

The crime rates are ever-increasing, with so many young people dying of fentanyl overdose.

Instead of putting so much energy into putting away fraudulently innocent, targeted, and contracted individuals incarcerated and incapacitated literally or figuratively, if they put the same amount of energy and passion as they were sworn-in to do that job of upholding US Constitutions and catching real hardcore criminals—murderers (many recruited from overseas) specializing in insurance frauds, drug traffickers, human traffickers, forced prostitution, bribery, extortions, premediated auto accidents to get organs harvested—this world would be a much better and safer place to live.

And above all, Intelligence-Led Predictive Policing is illegal, violating every individual's—on its database—constitutional rights of civil liberty and equal protection, under the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution.

These are top-down RICO criminal gangs composed of employees from for-profit, nonprofit, or multinational corporations, government agencies, religious institutions, and other perfectly mainstream, lawful, legitimate organizations.

RICO crime can be the result of illegal business relationships between lobbyists (including unregistered foreign agents) and their clients (rather, criminal members or employees of their clients), in which innocent individuals are unlawfully targeted, attacked, and their lives irreversibly destroyed for personal vendettas or institution-corporation contracted retaliations, often using legitimate government employee-actors (law enforcement, first responders) under their control and tax payer-funded resources and tools.

<The dates of these lists are very important. The clients in these lists change often and sometimes drastically.>

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Statute applies to all ranked members of these organizations. Anyone who sponsors, funds, contracts, plans, assists, accommodates, leads, participates, coordinates, conceals, or carries out RICO criminal acts may be guilty of the RICO crime.

Those who act as unregistered foreign agents for foreign nationals, foreign nation's interest, and multi-national corporations to attack and retaliate against selected targeted individuals within their jurisdiction are included in this category.

Many of these unregistered foreign agents are bankers, former politicians, family members of former federal/national, state, and local politicians and highly placed government employees, government contractors, state lobbyists, ethnic community leaders, and multinational corporate executives and their alumni, friends, and families.

They are basically RICO gang members, regardless of how blue blood, royal, or protected class they may think they belong to, and above-the-law, with the highest levels of political influence in their respective areas.

Their street-level criminal executioners are often hired from the ranks of local criminal gangs that are made up of criminal members of religious organizations, death cult members, drug traffickers, bank-wire fraudsters, insurance fraudsters, human traffickers, prostitutes of all sexual orientations pimps, sexual predators. 

There is a pervasive presence of rogue-criminal gay-bisexual law enforcers as first responders in both countries, targeting anyone deemed their enemies due to differences in political views or personal backgrounds.

These are the institutional terrorists of corrupted or criminal government, law enforcement, or public utilities, transit, or health-medical-nursing corporations employees, local-ethnic community leaders, politicians, bankers, insurance brokers, and local business owners.

Many of them are employees of their rogue RICO clients, as well as members of the same labor unions representing those organizations (government employees, police, firefighters, EMTs, mass transit—rail, bus, aviation, nurses, hospitals, diagnostics, freight, trucking, human resources, construction workers, painters, fire-water damage restoration specialists, etc.).

Many of these attackers are members of de facto criminal RICO gangs composed of former or current law enforcers, first responders (EMTs), intelligence, military contractors, multinational corporations, religious-faith, ethnic-community-affiliated NGOs, and government employees or contractors from many different areas.

There are often corporate CEOs, CFOs, SVPs, VPs, managers, team leaders, as well as field services technicians, front-line service providers (including law enforcement), first responders (including private EMT ambulance services), banking, ISPs, postal/freight, religion/faith-based NGOs, medical, and government services, and drivers of their service vehicles.

Likewise, this could mean everyone in the same chain of command, from those who issue orders to those who carry them out. Those who share cross-territory or cross-RICO resources with other criminals in order to help each other out. Those who make promises of payoffs and promotions.

My strong suspicion is that many of these RICO criminals are dual-citizens, retired military, first responders, and law enforcement who traverse internationally conducting various illegal trades and contract hit jobs often utilizing their politically connected childhood, high school, and college friends and relatives, as well as members of their international fraternal and professional organizations. 

As you can see from another posting, a good example is these two Korean stalkers from Skinner Park, Chicago, showing up in a small town, 칠곡군 약목면 in Korea where I lived at the time, to set up the same types of criminal attacks on me with local RICO gangs and its domestic institutional terrorists, the same ways they were conducting in the United States for the past six years. These are well-traveled criminals with strong ties to international crime cartels.

These people who have attacked me past seven years work in a variety of professions, including:

  • auto-life insurance claim fraudsters (vehicular mobbing RICOs) 
  • law enforcement (local, city, county, state) 
  • helicopter pilots (for an unknown reason, there is a strong criminal tie to this profession who has been attacking me in form of brazen stalking-PSYOP threat activities from air - it has been consistent in Georgia (Stone Mountain State Park), Illinois (near Skinner Park, Chicago, most often occurrence among all three areas), and Korea (Chilgok-gun and Gumi area) stretching more than six years)
  • first responders (fire departments and private ambulance services)
  • medical. dental, diagnostic, nursing, pharmacy, elder-care, pre-school & after-school services financiers, franchisors & franchisees
  • Apartment Developers & Investors in rural but high demand new industrial areas in southern US.
  • retail - mega ethnic grocery chains, convenience store, ethnic fast food & restaurant chains
  • medical-dental-handicapped-equipment manufacturers, medical supply franchisors & franchisees.
  • towing truck operators (I-90)
  • trucking, big-rig(18 wheelers) freight-construction truckers
  • insurance branch operators and insurance brokers
  • banks, credit unions, mortgage, consumer loans
  • auto dealerships, leasing and auto loans (used and new)
  • criminal justice related professions, attorneys, paralegals 
  • real estate brokerage, mortgage, and liens recordation
  • criminal human resources managers' hidden networks
  • trade and labor unions
  • professional fraternal organizations
  • public utilities, their contractors, 
  • ISPs, cell-phones, retail branch operators  
  • postal-package
  • public transit (buses and rails), freeway, traffic signal lights-LED sign controllers and contractors (Department of Transportation)
  • Professional HOA management Specialists, subdivision (enclosed, gated with only one-access point) real estate investment investors
  • multinational corporations
  • churches, other religious organizations,  not-for-profit, and other ethnic-community based NGOs
  • profession-based fraternal organizations
  • politicians, lobbyists, and former high-ranking government employees.

I was the perfect patsy.

I was the perfect patsy, designated to take all the falls for all my enemies' wrongdoings, crimes, and secrets from many groups of my en...