
16. *** Vehicular mobbing © ***

Vehicular mobbing© is the term I invented for the use throughout my blogs describing deadly criminal activities I have encountered on the roads for many years.

Vehicular mobbing© is when a group of criminal auto insurance fraudster-drivers band together to plot and carry out premeditated and coordinated deadly driving maneuvers, often involving the placing of dangerous objects on the freeways, in order to harass, threaten, and force other drivers—their selected targeted individuals—into accidents.

They are criminal insurance fraudsters for hire, or hired professional killers, who coordinate their dangerous driving maneuver to cause accidents in which the targeted vehicle and its occupants get seriously injured or killed. These criminals are often recruited and imported by international crime cartels of human traffickers from abroad as experts in their criminal trades.

From my own experience, I see dangerous objects planted right along the freeway.

These objects can sometimes be found a few miles into a high-speed driving zone after drastic traffic slowdowns and delays caused by these criminals coordinated efforts.

You would never know what is going on in your lane in front of you while these objects are planted out of your view during a traffic stop or delay.

The vehicular mobbing activities are conducted by a couple dozen vehicles that can control the speed of cars in your lane. They place a dangerous object to cause accidents right before a targeted driver is about to pass and retrieve it after the targeted driver has passed it, or they have succeeded in their plot to cause an auto accident.

Temporary traffic blocks and delays are planned by these criminals, and the views of placing objects are hidden from cameras by trucks and large vehicles surrounding the planting of objects.

These types of planted objects are often encountered on the freeway. Even worse, large vehicles in front of the targeted vehicle often conceal those objects until the last moment while driving at normal freeway speeds.

These vehicular mobbing criminals are paid premeditated murderers who do not value anyone's lives for their bucks. All the criminals who are not physically involved in vehicular mobbing but who sponsored, planned, and funded such activities should be considered RICO crimes and tried as such.

In addition, these criminals provide their own eyewitnesses and frame criminal charges against deceased or injured victims, their chosen targets, to further harm the victims, their targeted individuals, financially and psychologically.

Vehicular mobbing© is a popular way to get rid of someone who are the object of personal grudges, corporate vengeance, or life insurance fraud. It is frequently done through contracted hit jobs.

I have firsthand experience with vehicular mobbing because, for at least six years, I was constantly the target of systematic and well-coordinated vehicle insurance fraud schemes on the highways and roads that could result in life-debilitating injuries and death. 

Although I first saw it on December 8, 2017 as criminal fraud-entrapment and auto insurance fraud effort by possibly corrupted law enforcement gone rogue and its criminal co-conspirators in Georgia, it was much more frequent in 2020 and 2021 in the Chicago-O'Hare Airport area, and I-90, in particular. It became apparent that exceedingly dangerous vehicular mobbing activities were occurring nearly every day.

For me, their attempts were design to seriously injure or kill me as part of their contract hit-jobs ordered by my personal and corporate enemies.

I was the perfect patsy.

I was the perfect patsy, designated to take all the falls for all my enemies' wrongdoings, crimes, and secrets from many groups of my en...