Your attempts to erase me off the map have failed!

<Updated last on 3:03 AM CST, September 16, 2024>

This latest and revised post is the cumulation of all my observations I made of these vicious, organized, institutional attackers from Georgia (1993-2019), Illinois (2019-2022), and Korea (2022-2024). I have lost everything and suffered so much because of these people, and I want them punished for their evil deeds. 

I will do everything I can within legal bounds to bring the justice these people deserve and to have these people prosecuted for violating the federal laws of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) statues and our Fourteenth Amendment rights of the US Constitution.


Thus, I am bringing it today to the fore after almost three years of disbelief I had of these four individuals and their three mentors, my fateful enemies, who masterminded criminal entrapment fraud attacks on me for how long I do not know. 

I am finding out only now that my co-workers (often executives) at my previous employments stretching from 1993 to 2016 knew these four individuals, their mentors, and their close relatives.

My first employment as a staff accountant from 1993-1998, as senior accountant 2000-2005, as Finance/Accounting Manager 2008-2011, and also my co-workers from 2013-2016 knew at least one out of these four individuals and their close relatives when I worked at this financial institution (one of the largest credit unions in the US) as a contract employee for over two years. 

So these employments of mine were designed to closely monitored me and later used to sabotage my career and our lives by these four individuals, their mentors, and their close relatives and business associates.

So these attacks on me were planned a long, a long time ago, I do not know how long ago - 2017, 2000, 1998, 1993, 1975 or even further 1966.

Unbeknownst to us in those days, I am quite sure that this was the same way with my wife's employment. 

Their hidden network of business associates was a far-reaching in the United States and Korea. They were incredibly adept at using Human Resources Management industries in controlling and monitoring their targeted people, and therefore recruiting the right people at the right time for their purpose, also monitoring and destroying their targeted individuals at a right time in right place.

At minimum, these two Caucasian men were very close to my father, his current wife, and their daughter's biological father.

One is their son-in-law, their only “precious” daughter's husband.

The other is the son of their close business associate, an ethnic Polish-or-Jewish American, for more than a half century. This person is very close to their son-in-law, their daughter, and my father's current wife. 

This person is a professional with finance and banking background who worked at the one of largest banks in the US as an international banking specialist. He now handles the finance of the family business as its Finance Manager. This company is headed by their daughter and her mother.

And I have to mention one of her mother's cousin's wife (Choi) and his (the cousin's) long-time friend (Hwang) in Chicago, this friend's ex-wife (Chang).

This one whole Korean family (HWANG) is made of vicious attackers - father, mother (CHANG), daughter, son and this son's wife (once my co-worker 2011, KIM).

This one, this particular one, the daughter, who also happened to work at this same largest American bank where the one of the four individuals I mentioned earlier worked, is the main focus of my attention. 

She, HWANG, appears to be closely related to or associated with all other law enforcements, especially at the state level—Illinois State Police (I-90, I-94, I-55, I-290)—first responders attackers in Chicago, Atlanta, and Chilgok-Gumi (Yakmok) Korea.

Remember those two Korean stalkers from Skinner Park, Chicago showing up in Yakmok, a small town, in Korea? I believe these two are also criminal associates of her.

She was everywhere I was.  You cannot really makes this one up even if you try very hard to understand how she has been following me. 

What was her motivation? I did not know anything about her except that she was my uncle's live-in partner's, Chang's, daughter.

Her (Hwang) nexus and situs can be found in the subdivision I lived in for twenty years in Lawrenceville, GA. (around 2017)  I believe she once owned a home briefly that shared a fence with my home with one of executives of a company I worked as a contract employee.

Matter of facts, now I can further expand my serious but very strong suspicion that many of my neighbors in the subdivision I have lived in from 1998-2019, whether they shared a fence with my house or not, were owned by people related to my former co-workers, executives, and business associates of my personal enemies—my father's current wife (her maiden name, LIM), her daughter's biological father (Illinois), who spoke fluent Japanese and they had many relatives in Japan. 

Now think of it, I had many hidden enemies of ethnic Japanese and Koreans with fluent command of Japanese. 

I actually worked at one major Japanese sporting goods corporation in Atlanta as a temporary employee. That company's hiring manager had nexus to one owner of these houses that shared a fence with our house at the time.

I will go even further, even believing strongly that many Spanish-speaking and Vietnamese neighbors of that subdivision I have lived in 1998-2019 were either relatives or business associates of my co-workers from my previous employments and the company (Illinois) headed by my father's current wife and her daughter.

Back to Hwang, She was once a former co-worker to a couple of my co-workers and executives of the places I worked 2013-2016 and 2008-2011. 

Her (Hwang) sister-in-law (Kim) was my one-time co-worker (2011) in the same Finance-Accounting Department where I was a manager at the time, in LaGrange, GA. 

I was completely kept dark about her hiring, even though her position as a junior accountant should have been reported to me; she never did. She treated me like a non-person during a brief time I had work with her, always leapfrogging me and reporting to the senior Korean manager from Korea.

That type of toxic corporate culture forced my eventual departure from that company (2011).

Her (Hwang) mother (Chang) was the person I transferred my business partnership interest to. Her mother, Chang, was also the live-in partner of one of my uncles (Lim) at the time around 2005. 

It's really mind-boggling to see her nexus and situs to everywhere—Atlanta, Chicago, and Korea—wherever these criminal fraud attacks on me occurred.

She (Hwang) is closely related as a business associate to those four individuals (two Koreans and two Caucasians), so I can almost automatically assume that she was a very close business associate of my father's current wife (Lim) because of her company's Finance Manager who also worked at the same bank I mentioned earlier. 

There is a very strong likelihood that these two individuals, Hwang and that Polish-or-Jewish American man, knew each other working at the very same global bank, one of the largest banks in the US.

She (Hwang) and along with this Polish or Jewish American man, both at about the same age, late 40s now, appear to be two of the several masterminds of all street-level criminal fraud attacks on me for the past seven years (December 8, 2017-present), from Georgia to Illinois, then Yakmok, Chilgok-gun, and Gumi, Gyeongsangbukdo (경상북도) Province of Korea.

She (Hwang) also worked at one of the largest Korean Chaebeol Groups in Korea, probably as a banking consultant, thanks to the same three mentors I mentioned earlier. 

These three mentors have extensive, powerful political and Chaebeol connections in Korea, which worked very well, profiting enormously from such a powerful connection, the network, for every one of their three mentors' relatives and business associates but me. 

For me, actually, they became powerful networks, the network, of powerful enemies throughout my life in the US (1975-2022) and in Korea (2022-2024).

She, Hwang, was a CPA like I was, and she had extensive Korean, Jewish, and Indian business networks that include my former co-workers, executives, and their business associates, which I strongly believe have been major parts of such vicious, insidious, and hidden attacks on me for the past seven (7) years in the US and Korea.

You may wonder how do I know all these. 

I found all this information over the internet and by walking back and going over every detail of what had really happened to me, as their targeted individual, for the past seven years and for the last half century to draw attention to the unmistakable presence of criminal fraud efforts to send me to insanity, incarceration, life-debilitating injuries, or otherwise total destruction in the form of a victim of organ harvesting, which explains presence of unusual number of professionals of medical fields along with first responders. 

For that, I will hold these four individuals, their mentors, and their close relatives and business associates forever responsible for destroying my career, our finances, and therefore ruining our lives as result of their criminal fraud attacks.

Then there were hundreds of criminal fraud executioners in the middle and, at the bottom, street-level executioner thugs who were mostly total strangers to me, who were just in for money or to keep their day jobs following orders of their superiors, in Korea and the US. 

Within these ranks of criminal fraud executioners were one-time my co-workers, neighbors, personal acquaintances, church/ temple/ synagogue/ tabernacle/ other places of worship, or death cult members, labor union or professional fraternity members of first responders (police, firefighters, EMTs), government or quasi-governmental NGOs' employees, and many other professions (Bankers, MD, CPA, JD, Paralegals, Realtors, MPH, HR, IT) and industries — apartment, commercial real estate development & investment and HOA management, construction, Department of Transportation contractors, Nursing Care, Medical, Dental, Orthopedic, Handicapped Equipment Supplies, Air Freight, Trucking, Distribution, Grocery Stores, etc.).

In retrospect, all those attackers were made up of individuals and companies whom I have mentioned on my blogs and those whom I cannot mention on my blog. 

I feel very strong intelligence (CIA, HUMINT), state political establishments—state law enforcements, politicians and their donors, state lobbyists, unregistered foreign agents, international banking, multinational corporations, and federal law enforcements (FBI, CBP, DEA, ICE), Departments of Transportation (Illinois, Georgia, & Korea)—a section that deals with airlines, Interstate Freeways (I-90, I-290, I-85), towing and road maintenance, traffic signals & LED display controller, international freight transit, trucking, mass transit systems, labor unions, and their contractors, public corporations-rails, and NGOs. 

I suspect federal, state, local law enforcements and their involvements in stalking and threatening activities by MP(Municipal Police)-tagged unmarked vehicles, their first responders (Fire Departments, EMTs, MDs). 

If you look at these people's employment and residence histories, they all share an uncanny nexus and situs to places near or where heavy concentrations of these intelligences and federal and state law enforcement institutions are located.

And then, there are two individuals out of the four who are Koreans.

One is my own high school classmate (Kim) in Korea who sat right behind me for about a half year in 1975, who came to Chicago area just about same time in 1975. 

The other one is the son (Chee) of my father's a long-time associate at DoD (Department of Defense) in Korea in 1960s. I remember riding DoD Commute Bus that had to crank the engine up by hand. 

He also came to the US just about the same time in 1975 or may be a year later. He had an older brother who was a year younger than me. So I say he is about three years younger than me. 

These two who have known me from my high school days and frequented our house (1977-1978) in Lake Zurich, IL, when we lived at this location. 

Now this place has turned into an additional parking lot for a nearby Mexican restaurant. This house was a unique architectural piece, a very utilitarian and contemporary one in my opinion, built by its only owners, an old Swiss-German couple. It had a glass wall on one whole side of the house and a huge, humongous wooden beam that supported the ceiling. It has a half-basement where it had a bar, which also served as my room. An outside underground cellar whose temperature was always nice and cool. The house, though small for a family of six, was incredibly beautiful. It's sad the house no longer stands there.

24 Ela Rd. (Now no address, situated around 500s Ela Rd.)

Back to these four individuals, who are all turned out to be my enemies, but protégés, opportunistic parasites, and business associates of my father, his current wife, and their daughter's biological father.

Note that throughout my blogs, I emphasize the word 'current' when I am addressing my father's current wife. She was an excellent role changer, an excellent actor, and a chameleon in real life if she wanted to be. And she will switch if a need is there in the future.

She was a self-proclaimed poet, and during the time I have lived with her, she spent most of her time devoted to reading monthly Korean literary magazines and books that were delivered to her, where many ingenious plot lines of stories may have been adopted in real life.

I believe these four were cultivated ever so carefully for the past 30 years at minimum for Caucasian ones, close to a half century for Korean ones, for the purpose of protecting their only precious daughter at any cost to bystanders, and one happened to be me. 

There had to be some sort of sworn allegiance amongst these four as surrogate sons to be faithful to their mentors and these mentor's daughter. 

I know how she, my father's current wife (LIM), operates in these types of activities. She will stay far behind hidden and let her boys do the all the dirty works. And when things go bad, she will extort these boys and girls to take the fall for the job they failed, or vice versa, a great reward when job well done.

She is a master manipulator in making people do things. She always bragged about her IQ, and all her associates had to pass that her standard threshold of IQs. She looks down on people of low IQs with sick contempt.

I became her target a long time ago immediately after I came to the US, 1976-1980. 

She probably regretted the very first days she agreed to bring me to the US. I was told I was excluded from coming to the US. But then, they had no choice on that matter. My grandparents wouldn't stand for it if I was to be left behind in Korea.

She had no fear once my grandfather passed away and my three uncles all went to her camps for their own families' prosperity. They, my three uncles (LIM), realized that I got nothing to offer to their sons and daughters.

Also, my youngest uncle's wife in Korea was from the same “SHIN” family (the 7th KCIA Chief) that I keep referring to throughout my blog.

My “supposedly” half-sister's mother's biological mother; she may also be the “SHIN” (the 7th KCIA Chief) who has some sort of blood family kinship to people in this very exclusive “Shin” village very near to my mother (PARK)'s unmarked resting place, Yul-ri, Biin-myeon, Seocheon-gun, ChungCheongNamDo Province. 

Both of her mothers, one childless (a much older than the other) and the one that of her and her seven siblings' biological mother, moved to Chicago from Korea and resided with her. One may still be alive in Illinois.

If this suspicion of mine proves to be true, then I have to say their attempts to destroy me have a far sinister motive based on deeply rooted ancestry family-related animosity, which transpired their insidiously viciousness to destroy me, and therefore wiping out clean of our line of family with the help of their newly acquired in-laws in the US and in Korea.

I firmly believe that the ancestral home town of the "Shin" family in Yakmok - ancestral hometown of the 7th KCIA Chief, Chilgok-gun, Gyeongsangbukdo Province, Korea, has direct family ties to the individuals of several different surnames (Kim, Lee, Hyun, Park, Jung, Cho, Hwang, Lim, and Shin) who have attacked me from the United States and in Korea.

The good thing about tracking down a female person in Korea is that unlike the United States, women in Korea after marriage do not change their surnames to their husbands. 

It was just a matter of time until all the ducklings were lined up. So no questions were asked where I was when I got killed because I became useless for the betterment of their lifestyle. I was designed to be destroyed.

Something massive awakening happened to me in May 2024, which led me to let all things and everything hang out as they are today before it's too late because I have too many groups of enemies, known and unknown to me, want to see me destroyed. 

I am only the sole surviving keeper of a truth, who is left standing after everyone who would vouch for my legitimate standing have passed, excluding their co-conspirators in attacks on me, her, my supposedly half sister's mother's, five younger brothers (LIM) (5), two younger sisters (2), and an unknown number of her first cousins and second cousins. 

And their daughter's biological father's close relatives in the US and Korea who only came to my knowledge very recently while I was here in Korea.

Really, their families have been the parasites, and my father has been their main host, a traitor to his own family, for more than a half century and more. 

And my mother and I were the major recipients of all the ill-gotten effects of their host-parasite relationship. 

And such relationships continue until today, as shown by their attacks on me in the past seven years.

Their big and extended families were all working to discredit, dishonor, and destroy me literally or figuratively for perpetuity of their fake legitimacy and hide their illegitimacy.

I will soon be off the map if they have their way, for their goal of keeping the status quo, the lifestyle they all, their extended families (their brothers, sisters, and cousins), have enjoyed for the past 40 years in the US, and in order to perpetuate their lies at terrible expense of my mother, my grandparents, me, and my sisters. 

For my two sisters, it was mainly for losing their mother too early, neglected baby-childhood from everyone, and not having a chance to know their mother. 

My mother passed away in July 1966 in Seoul, Korea. I was seven years old. I still have that guilt that I abandoned her when she needed me most. And that had to do with this woman. She tricked all my life.

They were so selfish and evil that they would not allow me to coexist on this Earth. I was too inconvenient to them for no fault of mine. 

I even left their world voluntarily at my father's current wife's wish so that they could live in peace and prosperity for at least 40 years until today, believing their daughter was my half-sister. 

I was very much tricked by this woman all my life even from my childhood in Seoul, Korea. And now the only thing that was awaiting me was a terrible death and destruction via most vicious, insidious, and sadistic means.

I am now finding it in a very hard way that these people were deeply involved in every aspect of my and my wife's lives for the past 30 years at minimum. 

What were the reasons for recruiting so many people close to us, our personal acquaintances, co-workers, and neighbors?

These people actually forced me to retreat in defeat to Chicago from Atlanta. Their people, their co-conspirators, RICO gangs, in Atlanta, were making our lives in Atlanta impossible from December 8, 2017.

This was my Day of Infamy, December 8, 2017, the fateful day on a satellite road along the I-85 right at where cities of Chamblee and Doraville in DeKalb County limits meet.  

This is also the spot close to the FBI regional office and one of my old employer's buildings situated (within one mile) in Chamblee and Doraville, DeKalb County, where many, at least three (3), of my personal and corporate enemies have their businesses, their nexus, situs, and political influences there. 

I have to stress that several of my personal and corporate enemies have very deep connections to the very high echelon of federal and state-level law enforcement and local criminal justice-judicial system.

This was their probably the very first criminal entrapment fraud, in form of vehicular mobbing and auto insurance fraud, which might have succeeded if I had not fought back very hard. 

But the irreversible damages to us from this incident have already occurred since then and will continue until the last days of our lives.

These four, their mentors, and their co-conspirators in the US surely did not expect that we would move to Chicago.

I believe now that they had actually expected that we would toil and end our lives in Atlanta fighting these mercenaries of local ethnic RICO gangs, international crime cartel members made of human traffickers and LGBTQ prostitution rings, vehicular mobbing insurance fraudsters, and those first responders gone rogue.

I want to emphasize that Jewish RICO gangs were the principal perpetrators of the attacks on me for the past seven years.

These are people with Jewish ethnicity who had ties to the Jewish RICO gangs that are made of white-collar professionals including law enforcement in all jurisdictions (federal, state, county, local), and local and county-level first responders and criminal justice-judicial systems.

All those ethnic mafias of White Supremacists (white- collar Skinheads and KKK), Koreans, Indians, Blacks, Chinese (PRC), Vietnamese, South East Asians, Hispanics, and various East Europeans are either working closely with them or working as their subordinate partners.

And many of the LGBTQ are their frontline (international, Korean, Jewish) operatives who are deeply embedded in almost every free world nation's law enforcement, judicial, political, and government systems. 

It's astounding to see a good majority, many people who have attacked me appear to be gays. I am not a gay. I have never been a gay except that all the places I have worked there were many gay co-workers.

Now back to the four individuals, they were groomed professionally and later profited enormously from the strong political-governmental-multinational corporate clouts in Korea that would have been impossible without their three mentors' help.

Their main focus of business is influence peddling in trilateral (Korea-Japan-US) international multinational corporate and political affairs and people. 

And now, I realize I must have been the sole obstacle they need to clear by getting rid of me, literally or figuratively, in order to make everything in their business ends tie down securely. They didn't want any loose ends protruding that could present problems for them and for their mentors in the future. 

For whatever reason, I believe they had an urgency to get rid of me via incarceration, insanity, life-debilitating injuries, or death once I moved to Chicago in 2019. 

I believe my move to Chicago was something they completely did not expected. They were fully expected I would be dead or otherwise totally destroyed in Atlanta.

And for some reason, this has to be accomplished under the pretext of legality. Therefore, a bullet in my head wasn't one of their options. 

This is where vehicular mobbing auto insurance fraudsters and ingenious criminal fraud entrapment schemes came in.

And who else fits for that job best for leading these criminal fraud entrapment activities? 

First responders.

Corrupted rogue law enforcers in all jurisdictions (federal, state, and local) and equally corrupted rogue local first responders (firefighters and EMTs). If you read my blogs, you will notice I allude to many incidents where I was targeted for "kill" criminal fraud entrapment schemes by these people.

<< And I have to stress that these corrupted and rogue law enforcers and first responders who have conspired to these fraudulent criminal entrapment activities were an extremely small minority compared to the vast majority of honorable duty-bound law enforcers and first responders. >>

This is also why my co-workers, neighbors, their extended families, and their hidden corporate, church, governmental-law enforcement, and political power networks of connected people in Illinois and Georgia were involved to set me up with deadly criminal fraud traps, hoping that I get snared to one of their deadly traps and destroyed.

These four individuals' professional backgrounds ranged from attorney (DUI, criminal law) and realtor with strong ties to Korean politicians, Korean chaebeols, and quasi-governmental corporations and their labor unions thanks to their mentors, international banking specialist, former politician turned lobbyist, and insurance broker. 

Now, that's one hell of a group I was up against. And I have somehow managed to stave off their criminal attacks until now.

Even if I get killed today, I am a hundred times better off than the past seven years, when I didn't know these four individuals and their mentors were deeply involved in criminal fraud entrapment schemes where I and my wife could have easily met terrible death or life-debilitating injuries.

This was the ID card issued at the completion of active duty (February 14, 1980 - February 13, 1983) reminding that I can still be called up for Active Duty.

Top Row, the fourth man from the right. Platoon 2015, Echo Company, 2nd Bn. MCRD San Diego (Feb 14, 1980-May 2, 1980) Senior DI SSGT Piques, DI SGT Baron, DI SGT. De Rossier, DI SGT Herron. ~ Semper Fi!

And I thank these two photos, one I found over the internet, for my survival until today. I believe these two photos single-handedly foiled my enemies' would-be attempts to erase me off the map as if I never existed. 

I can never forgive these people considering all the life-debilitating harassments, sabotages, terrors, emotional pain, and destruction they have brought into our lives.

For the crimes committed on me and therefore on us collectively for the past seven years, either the statutes of limitations have lapsed or there may not be enough prosecute-able evidence.

As per the RICO Act explained here, "Pattern of racketeering activity requires at least two acts of racketeering activity, one of which occurred after the effective date of this chapter and the last of which occurred within ten years (excluding any period of imprisonment) after the commission of a prior act of racketeering activity. The US Supreme Court has instructed federal courts to follow the continuity-plus-relationship test in order to determine whether the facts of a specific case give rise to an established pattern. The illegal acts forming a pattern are called "predicate" offenses. Predicate acts are related if they "have the same or similar purposes, results, participants, victims, or methods of commission, or otherwise are interrelated by distinguishing characteristics and are not isolated events." Continuity is both a closed and open ended concept, referring to either a closed period of conduct, or to past conduct that by its nature projects into the future with a threat of repetition."

They are being psychotic sociopathic criminals and likely always be a part of organized criminal gangs, one cannot rule out that they will always keep committing the same patterns of crimes continuously.

And then, the frequency of their crimes (two or more crimes of a same pattern within a 10-year period) or an unrelated premeditated murder that may have been committed by other new or old members of their RICO gangs that may surface, which carries no statues of limitation.

On such cases, the RICO Act may be very easily applied to these criminals who have destroyed our lives.

I always believed that as a part of criminal fraud entrapment schemes, those who sponsored and funded but were not physically involved in executing vehicular mobbing and auto insurance frauds occurring on Interstate Freeways should be tried and prosecuted under the federal RICO statutes. 

Your attempts to erase me off the map have failed!

<Updated last on 3:03 AM CST, September 16, 2024> This latest and revised post is the cumulation of all my observations I made of thes...