23. Your attempt to erase me off the map has failed!

All those efforts from many of you over many years to wipe me off from the Earth have failed.

You really have fooled many and destroyed many people's lives, including mine, for more than 50 years.

Unlike you, I am not in this fight for money. I am here fighting for honor as the only son of my mother and for my and my wife's survival.

I am the first-born legitimate heir of only two (me and the only son of my youngest uncle) of the family.

Not you or any member from yours or from your cousins'. 

So don't let your children or grandchildren have any mistaken ideas. 

I owe at least that much clarification to you all, fakes, imposters, wannabes, and illegitimates, for my mother's honor sake.

Clarification to you all, fakes, imposters, wannabes, and illegitimates, that you are not really what you have been told by your parents as to how you all are related to me.

They probably told you that I was the illegitimate one when, in fact, you were the illegitimate ones. 

I banished myself after graduating high school so that you all could live in peace and happily ever after, believing all along, for half a century, that she, supposedly my half-sister, was in fact my half-sister. How stupid I was! I vacated myself for your comfort and happiness for half a century, and I get attacks in return from your unknown members and their cohorts of your extended families.

My grandmother did the same thing that I did. She left your extended family alone, thinking that this granddaughter was still a part of her eldest son.

But she, supposedly my half-sister, is not related to me in any way, genetically or biologically. 

That thought hit me one day like a lightening rod after I saw her parents with two very dubious individuals whom I recognize in Bunker Hills Park, Chicago, on March 29, 2021, and her husband (my supposedly never-met half brother-in-law) on I-90 a few months later in what I can only describe as a dubious setting.

My grandparents and I went through so much because of this lie. The lie changed so many people's lives and brought so much pain and misfortune to our family.

If I had known she was not really my biological sister half a century ago, I would have chosen a route quite different from what I had chosen.

I am not here to question her legitimacy. She is perfectly legit amongst her circle of family, including her parents. I am just so damn angry that I was kept in the dark while everyone else probably knew about this.

What a raw deal we, me and my grandmother, got! 

Our whole lives were very much wasted by these lies that these extremely high-IQ people propagated.

What ungrateful people they are!

There are so many lies and so much manipulation of the truth.

And now, because of these lies and attempts to perpetuate them, I am being attacked by unknown members of their extended family, which include their cousins, their in-laws, and business associates in Korea and the United States.

I was perfectly content with keeping my words that I gave my father many (20–30) years ago, rather than fighting for spoils for family inheritance at any cost like my uncles.

The stupidest thing is that most of our family's assets in Korea were probably stolen because I have uncles and their older brother who are too selfish and do not nearly as much care for the wishes of their parents, who spent their whole lives for them, especially for their eldest son.

I am wondering the mountain my mother was buried still owned by our family.

I was attacked viciously and relentlessly last seven years, and now I am suspecting some of these attacks were staged by these people.

It was always my position, and I stated that I have no interest in any of the family assets that were set aside by my grandmother because I was in the United States, so I was never going to be a part of their lives, and I haven't done anything for my grandparents to deserve such largeness.

Instead, I was attacked viciously to invalidate me fraudulently through criminal entrapment frauds by unknown members of their extended family.

I will never forgive them for ruining and wasting my and my grandmother's lives.

Although I am unable to investigate and bring charges against my mother's and grandmother's killers due to the lapse of the statute of limitations, I will assure them that their actions will someday be met with karma.

This is the ID card given at the end of active duty, reminding me that I can still be called up as active-reserve force.

My graduation photo I am in the top row, the fourth man from right.

Why am I bringing up these old items? The bottom one I found on the internet. These two pictures single-handedly foiled my enemies' would-be attempts to erase me off the map as if I never existed. 

Your attempts to erase me off the map have failed!

<Updated last on September 7, 2024> I bring it to the fore today after almost three years of disbelief I had of these four individuals...