
36. ***** I was the perfect patsy. *****

I was the perfect patsy, designated to take the falls for all my enemies' wrongdoings from many different groups: personal acquaintances, neighbors, co-workers, corporate executives, politicians, religious hate groups, and their hired (contracted) business associates—criminal labor union members, international crime cartel members, and institutional terrorists of governments, public corporations, law enforcement, and religious organizations.

They were ready to bury me with all their wrongdoings, crimes, and secrets.

At the same time, they want to satisfy their sadistic egos by showing their power to their peers and eager spectators of these hunting games of human prey made of their targeted individuals, literally bloody trade of human organ harvesting, vehicular mobbing©, and auto-life insurance frauds. 

I was a perfect target, a perfect setup, a perfect fall guy, a perfect patsy—a CPA, an extreme minority, an extremely rare personal background, hated by my own circle of ethnicity and peers, neighbors, and a lone standout who refused to join their ranks, and even further, presented them the dangers to their status quo of criminality or power structure

I had to be taken out. So all these groups of different ethnicity gangs of institutional terrorists, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupted Organizations (RICO), had pulled their resources together to destroy me without any criminal evidence pointing to them individually. 

It would have been a piece of cake for them because they have done it many times in the past. But this time was different, because I called them out first, correctly, shouting, "They are RICO gangsters!"

And indeed, they are RICO gangsters of white-collar professionals.

I cannot bring them out to the law because some of them are the law themselves at very high level. They have the power networks of politicians, lobbyists, community leaders, religious leaders, multinational corporations and their corporate executives, and mega-millionaires and billionaires political donors. 

I can only rely on my personal blogs as my sole weapon and protection against these institutional terrorists made of CPAs, MDs and JDs.

These criminals may be getting away with murder, literal and complete destruction of me, this time. 

But I am counting on that you criminals are bloodthirsty psychopaths and sociopaths who cannot restrain themselves from committing the same insidious and vicious crimes for profits to others soon or later. 

There is an old Korean saying that when your (fox) tail (your trail of crimes) gets too long, you are bound to get caught.

I am holding out hope that one of the following RICO statutes will hold these criminals accountable for their crimes of destroying, injuring, and killing many innocent lives, sooner rather than later.

As per the RICO Act explained here, "Pattern of racketeering activity requires at least two acts of racketeering activity, one of which occurred after the effective date of this chapter and the last of which occurred within ten years (excluding any period of imprisonment) after the commission of a prior act of racketeering activity. The US Supreme Court has instructed federal courts to follow the continuity-plus-relationship test in order to determine whether the facts of a specific case give rise to an established pattern. The illegal acts forming a pattern are called "predicate" offenses. Predicate acts are related if they "have the same or similar purposes, results, participants, victims, or methods of commission, or otherwise are interrelated by distinguishing characteristics and are not isolated events." Continuity is both a closed and open ended concept, referring to either a closed period of conduct, or to past conduct that by its nature projects into the future with a threat of repetition."

I was the perfect patsy.

I was the perfect patsy, designated to take all the falls for all my enemies' wrongdoings, crimes, and secrets from many groups of my en...