Institutional Terrorists, Criminally Linked Labor Unions (Korea & Illinois) *

<Updated and revised an earlier posting>

I believe that I have finally solved the mysteries of the real street-level attackers—those who have harassed me endlessly, stalked me, sabotaged me, and laid so many entrapment criminal frauds on me that could have led to deaths, injuries, and being framed for insurance payouts.

Following are examples of RICO crimes staged by international crime cartels based in labor unions in Illinois conducting RICO hit operations with the aid of Korean counterparts.

These criminal labor union members were not the ones who initiated the hit contracts on me or funded such hit contracts; they were simply the street-level executioners of such hit contract jobs.


Take note that within this picture, you will see a trade union building called "Painters District 14," and not in the picture, but "Chicago Police Training Academy" is right next to Skinner Park, and that green track field within the picture is also called "Michelle Obama Athletic Field." Michelle Obama's alma mater high school is Whitney M. Young High School. Also, right next to this park is a "fire station." 

This was an area where one of the highest numbers of harassment and stalking activities occurred. Just a mile south of Skinner Park are many headquarters' buildings for many trade and labor unions. I think people call the place "Union Place." I may be wrong on this.
This is why I am suspecting these two Korean stalkers from Skinner Park, Chicago, who showed up in Yakmok (약목), Korea, work for labor union-related business, related to the FBI Crime Lab nearby, students at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, related to Rush Hospital, or related to the Police Training Academy. 

And these two Koreans may be dual citizens who were born in the United States. Those kids who were from Korean mothers who only just traveled to and stayed in the US to give births.

There are two groups of dual American citizens in Korea: one group is the ones I described above, born in the US; the other is the group that retakes Korean citizenship after relinquishing it earlier in their lives when they become naturalized American citizens.

For example, there are many Israeli citizens who are also American citizens. Many senators and representatives in the US Congress are American-Israeli dual citizens.

The only problem with these dual citizens is their loyalty. This becomes a tricky matter when their job requires total loyalty and secrecy to one country.

I often wonder aloud where their loyalty lies when the two countries' interests contradict each other.

I believe many of my attackers are dual-citizen institutional terrorists.


I am very sure I am missing out on many Union members who actively attacked me for the past seven years, but basically all those criminal law enforcers, firefighters, EMTs, MPHs, auto insurance fraudsters via vehicular mobbing, and nurses who incessantly attacked me in forms of criminal entrapment frauds for the past five years may have been union membered workers.

The State of Illinois is probably the strongest unionized state among the fifty (50) states of the United States while Georgia has almost none.
And now, I am finding out that Korea is one of the strongest and most unionized nations in the world. 

I was harassed, stalked, and subjected to threats and their criminal entrapment fraud attempts by these union members ever since I saw those two dubious Korean stalkers from Skinner Park in Chicago in Yakmok (약목), Korea, on August 11, 2022.
They appeared to be deploying the same types of criminal activities against me as I was subjected to in Chicago and Atlanta.

In the US, they failed because they knew what they were doing was illegal and getting too risky and dangerous for them because I was not going down as they had expected.

They realized that they were quickly becoming RICO criminals from government employees with top-level security clearances.

They may have thought it would be much easier to finish the job in Korea for their corporate and power-networked benefactors in the US who requested, demanded, and funded it, as well as who could help these institutional terrorists advance professionally and profitably.

The single most predominant reason for me to come to Korea was to get away from those US-based organized crime cartels, the Mafia, made up of various ethnic gangs, who were making our lives impossible and dangerous.
Yes, I did come here to avoid those scumbag RICO criminals in the US. That was the main reason for me.  

For my wife, it was more spiritual reason. She had her mentor (absolutely not my mentor) in Yakmok, Korea.

But that proved to be my wishful thinking. They, the RICO criminals, were already here, they all prepared to receive me here in accordance with their pre-arranged RICO criminal contracts with American counterparts.

And those two Korean stalkers from Skinner Park in Chicago were their liaisons for this criminal purpose of getting rid of me, totally destroyed literally or figuratively, in Korea. 

They have also failed here, like their American counterparts have failed in the US, because they have underestimated me just like their American counterparts. They thought it would be very fun for them to attack me, who is completely at loss in my native country.

I fully intend to expose all these criminals who sought my demise regardless of where they are and have them pay dearly for their crimes against me.





July 2nd, 2021

If institutional terrorists (government employees, NGOs, labor unions, corporations, religious cults, politicians, etc.) control your means of free movement, 24/7/365 surveillance, eavesdropping, stalking, and trample your constitutional rights and liberties, you are done living like a free human being.

- Mass Transit System (Rail - Bus - Highways (through vehicular mobbing), 

-Communication (SEO optimization manipulation to show criminals' fraudulent or problem-infested job, real estate, or advertisement listings first after illegally acquiring targeted individuals' time-based interests, hacking your cell phone, hacking your internet to sabotage your daily and financial activities),

-Sabotaging Life Sustaining Daily Activities (harassing your visits to grocery stores by inundating the places with known criminals while you are shopping, harassing your bank/credit union related transactions, sabotaging your job opportunities by SHRM-and-likes criminal professionals, constant harassing activities around your house, walking, or while you are driving, sabotaging daily activities,

-To fear for your physical safety and your body through unsolicited but targeted threat-insinuated medical and pharmaceutical services ad mails to induce fear of fraudulent or criminal medical frauds by criminal doctors, nurses, lab technicians, and pharmacists with complete control of communications to the outside via US mail hijacking-opening-resealing-altering contents and the use of stingrays, man-in-the-middle attacks,

 What is RICO?

And there are unexplainable connections between these two corporations. Now both KORAIL and LX (한국국토정보공사) under Department of Transportation, I believe there are some unknown criminal links between two Departments of Transportation - Illinois and Korea - that have targeted me for past six years.

Korea Land and Geospatial Informatix Corporation (한국국토정보공사) and USIC (US Infrastructure Corporation).

There seem to be some connections between these two Underground utilities lines locator service companies and their employees who attacked me in the form of stalking threat activities in Gainesville, Georgia, Tinley Park, Illinois, in the US, and Yakmok, Korea.

I do not say this accusation lightly but there seemed to be Korean counterparts doing some sort of same type of criminal biddings on behalf of my personal and corporate enemies in the US.


국토교통부 (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport) KORAIL - Illinois Dept. of Transportation, RTA (Metra, CTA, PACE)



I had many instances of these companies' employees or contractors in odd places, odd circumstances, and odd timing in both in the US (Georgia, Illinois) and now in Korea.

Is there anyone who knows me personally who is also connecting the dots between these organizations?

In these organizations, I am suspecting there were people in high places with close ties to my personal or corporate enemies.

And they could have been doing their biddings - a personal or corporate vendetta against me.

I have a strong suspicion that there are people in both countries who are deeply intertwined in attacks to destroy me.

And I hope that they should realize that they are now deeply into the territory of interstate-international crime cartel-like criminal activities where they have to be committing bank-wire frauds, possibly money laundering frauds employing local gangs and other locally recruited institutional terrorists to attack me.

In addition, they should realize that when they fall, they will fall very hard because of their positions of influence and power. Whether or not they personally directed their minions to commit crimes does not matter.

Your attempts to erase me off the map have failed!

<Updated last on 3:03 AM CST, September 16, 2024> This latest and revised post is the cumulation of all my observations I made of thes...