Targeted Individuals *

<Repost with revision from original post of 5/23/2021>

Targeted individuals are people chosen or contracted for physical and electronic stalking, harassment, sabotage, eavesdropping, mobbing in the neighborhood, workplace, and while driving, and threats of bodily injuries and murder.

People are targeted for retaliation by using criminal entrapment frauds to destroy their personal and professional reputations, as well as their economic livelihoods, often perpetrated by institutional terrorists (law enforcement, first responders).

Institutional terrorists are also RICO gangs that are made up of former or current members of institutions such as banks, credit unions, labor unions, institutions in law, medicine, nursing, NGOs, churches, and government agencies.

Then why do people become targeted individuals?

For many reasons but mainly for two reasons:

One is retaliation. Personal and corporate retaliations are the primary reason of targeting targeted individuals.

Corporate, personal (nationality, ethnicity, religion, political, military), and family vendettas can all be attributed to this reason.

The second most prevalent reason is profitability.

Targeted people are usually old, retired, and isolated, but they have considerable assets, including paid-off houses, bank accounts, and investments. Targeted individuals are often targeted for life insurance, wills and estate administration fraud via premeditated murder and getting rid of potential competing beneficiaries for various reasons.

These institutional terrorists often target isolated individuals, particularly those who are living alone, have mobility issues, or are living in communities where the targeted individual's race or ethnicity is in an extreme minority.

Targeted individuals like these are destroyed without any traces or criminal evidence pointing to institutional terrorists.

Their main weapons for attacking isolated targeted individuals are financial and criminal entrapment frauds using these institutional terrorists' well-accumulated targeted individuals' personal, medical, and ID information.

These institutional terrorists have the most intimate personal information of targeted individuals: family history, family make-up, relatives, friends, co-workers, and other useful personal information acquired from many different sources, including the targeted individual's own old family acquaintances, friends, neighbors, co-workers, or their networks of law enforcement, intelligence, first responders, and international criminal cartel members.

These illegally acquired personal information allows institutional terrorists to commit sophisticated criminal frauds of entrapment to defraud and destroy their targeted individuals.

Physical and electronic stalking, surveillance, harassment, sabotaging, eavesdropping, and hacking are carried out by these criminals 24/7/365, making a targeted individual's daily life almost unbearable.

Targeted individuals are constantly forced to make unsound financial and life-supporting decisions by these institutional terrorists due to constant harassment such as hacking, transactional sabotages, eavesdropping, organized institutional, often cross-agencies stalking, harassment, and entrapment criminal frauds.

These criminals often lead their targeted individuals to death spiral literally, causing medical problems from the stress of being subjected to 24/7/365 harassment, stalking and sabotage, often requiring them hospitalizations, and eventually to their death beds immobilized.

Using real-time computer and cell phone interruptions, manipulations, text message alteration, the-man-in-the-middle attack to illegally eavesdropping, track physical GPS locations to lay traps, and hijacking, reading, stealing, re-routing, manipulating, inserting, replacing, and synchronizing re-delivery of USPS mail, these institutional terrorists completely take over targeted individuals' communication links to the outside.

These criminals can re-route calls to impersonators to further sabotage financial transactions, frustrate targeted individuals and use information gathered to plan elaborate fraud schemes with other fraud experts.

Rich and powerful individuals often hire and use domestic institutional terrorists who are made up of rogue or criminal law enforcement, trade unions, and religion-related NGO members.

These terror sponsors often hire on-site local handlers, domestic institutional terrorists of former or current law enforcement professionals to do all the dirty works such as hiring, paying, leading daily stalking harassment activities.

The handlers provide the real perpetrators, the sponsors, who order and fund (often through intangible incentives, i.e., promotions, attractive job offers) these contract-hit jobs with deniability if their crimes become exposed.

If there are to be any investigations into these attackers who have continuously harassed and attacked me, laying deadly traps to snare me to injury and death for the past seven years, you will find many of these attackers and their sponsors were in the business of insurance and other insurance-related professions that deal with insurance claims, investigation, negotiation, and litigation.

In my case, I believe my corporate and personal enemies are the same. I do not mean to say that they are the same individuals who are my corporate and personal enemies, but they are related—in-laws, childhood friends, family friends, alumni, former co-workers, former business clients, same church members, and other close business and personal relationships.

This is why I believed these attacks were planned well before December 8, 2017. I believe these attacks were planned around 1993, all the way through my last employment in 2016 as an accountant. Employees of my former employers knew my personal enemies—those who tried to destroy me for all my life—and together they planned to destroy me in the most insidious and hidden ways to frame me as a fall guy via criminal or financial entrapment frauds, so they both benefit from my downfall.

They had to just watch me all along, waiting for just the right moment to attack me, finish the job, without anyone ever finding out who they are.

Politically Power Networked Institutional Terrorists *

I was the designated scapegoat and set up from the get-go to be the fall guy for many groups of my enemies — corporate, personal, and religious including death cult gangs, ethnic gangs, and white supremacist gangs of hate crimes.

They are so upset that I foiled their plans to scapegoat me. So they contracted their buddies in high places in governments, especially in law enforcement and first responders, to entrap me with criminal frauds to lock me up, drive me to insanity, and injure and murder me in the most insidious, sadist, and heinous way possible so that my personal and professional reputation were permanently destroyed by employing individuals close to me and my wife—friends, family acquaintances, co-workers, and neighbors.

But I have succeeded in foiling their attempts to frame me for their wrongdoings and crimes or to protect their status quo of keeping their power and influence by getting rid of me in the most dishonorable fashion until now, but the fight hasn't finished and it is still going on. 

For the last seven years and still today (December 8, 2017–present), I have always looked out for institutional terrorists and their criminal fraud schemes of ever more ingeniously evolving sophistication.

Because of their constant barrage of ever more ingenious ways to destroy me 24/7/365 for the past seven years, I became a sort of expert because of my own experience and observation on these criminal matters: insurance frauds, domestic institutional terrorism, the RICO, death cults, all those criminal acts against the defenseless population—babies, children, minors, (mentally) handicapped, elders—I mentioned throughout my blogs, and international crime cartels involving (former) military and civil service members and government employees involving institutional terrorists (law enforcement and first responders), drug traffickers, and human traffickers. 

I will tell you that I am now much more prepared to fight these hidden, pernicious, deep-pocked, professional, internationally roaming criminals and put them in appropriate fear that they have a lot to lose when they get caught: 20 years in slammer, forfeiture of all their ill-gotten assets and additional penalties and interests, and treble damage civil suits from all their previous victims and their families. 

Now I know there have been at least a half-dozen or more RICO gangs that have been involved in attacking me for the past seven years. And they all seemed to be connected to, or at least aware of, the presence of other RICO gangs attacking me. There were interstate-international inter-agencies based on expertise sharing, RICO gang coordination, and cooperation in attacking me via criminal members traversing among these RICO gangs.

These appear to be multifaceted attacks involving many different professions, especially ones I deal with almost every day, so to ensure that I get constantly stalked and harassed around the clock for the past seven years,. 

I do not go to law enforcement for these attacks unless there are immediate physical threats and proof of such threats because I truly believed that they are the ones, bad, criminal cops, who contact and control local gangs who have attacked me for the past seven years.

And without physical proof of damages or proof of crimes by US Attorney's investigation and prosecution of these criminals, I can't really bring all these individuals by names to law enforcement or to court. 

The exact people who were supposedly catching these criminals actually attacked me instead. So that presents enormous problems in fighting these criminals on my part. 

There were numerous instances where these law enforcers became criminal fraud enablers, by actively aiding and abetting in criminal fraud schemes for these criminals by surveilling, eavesdropping, stalking, or harassing me for the past seven years.

Remember, these are politically powerful and connected mega-millionaires who have sponsored terror campaigns against me for the past seven years. I suspected they were extremely well connected to both countries' law enforcement apparatuses. 

So these street-level gangs who attacked me showed no fear of prosecution while at the same time they were getting paid in some form of compensation for their time and efforts. 

This was very obvious during the COVID-19 (2019–2022) era. I actually believed that I provided them with the work they (labor union members, corporate and nonprofit NGOs employees) desperately needed during that time. I am very sure there were a few who got paid very well, tangibly (free rent, free car, real estate) or intangibly (attractive jobs and promotions), for taking charge of coordinating the attacks on me.

And I hope that in the not-distant future, there will be a US District Attorney who is not afraid to take on these powerful RICO gangsters and bring justice for the good of all Americans.

I am doing my best to expose these RICO criminals, institutional terrorists, to the public and save many potential victims who could be targeted for destruction like myself.

But the fight is not over. 

I may have to fight these criminals until the day I die. Even though I do not see them every day as I did in the past and they appear to be lying low these days, I know they are watching me around the clock to find the right point and the right time of attack me again if an opportunity is present. I am watching out for these criminals every day and making note of them and any suspicious activities. 

International Crime Cartels *

I am selectively linking these eight posts, where these eight posts are so closely connected and most accurately depict the multiple RICO-affiliated criminals who have attacked me for the past seven years.

They, combined together, best describe retaliation-hit contract jobs that were ordered by RICO criminals in the US. I was and am still under their attacks in Korea ever since I came to this country in April 2022 until today and for the past seven years in Atlanta and Chicago.

This one particular RICO gang (international crime cartel) of many who have attacked me for the past seven years is one I haven't talked about in great detail in the past because they were so well and undistinguishably blended into other RICO gangs. 

But I want to address this group today because these are the individuals whom I believe are the capos, captains, of a multiethnic (Korean, Jewish, Indian, Hispanic, Russian, Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese) mafia, international crime cartel, based out of Southern Georgia, Atlanta, Alabama, Dallas, Texas, Detroit, Michigan, St. Louis, Missouri, Chicago, Central (Springfield), Southern (Memphis, TN) Illinois, Western Central Indiana, and ChilgokGoon (칠곡군)-Gumi (구미), Korea.

Of these, I want to point out this particular RICO gang, loosely linked by their sexual orientations (LGBTQ), regardless of their geographic locations. 

These criminal links were formed in their early ages in high schools, colleges, military services, and their religious circles.

Many of these RICO criminals, Caucasians and Blacks, are probably tied to the US military installations in the country, notably areas near where we lived 칠곡군, Camp Carroll, and Camp Mujuk (포항) — the only US Marines' post in Korea.

There are at least two individuals, Caucasians, who were US Marines who may have been very deeply involved in criminal fraud attacks on me for the past seven years.

One is my age and was stationed in Okinawa around the same time (1980–1981). His MOS could have been related to the helicopter Air Wing unit or Landing Support Battalion (LSB) at Camp Futema. I was in a 3rd FSSG unit at another base. He lives in Atlanta.

The other is a much younger one (late 30s now) that I met once in La Grange, Georgia. He was of the officer rank, an alumni, a classmate, a close (gay) friend of one of my coworkers, and a graduate of a military college in South Carolina. He may be living in Chicago and working as a police officer, FBI agent, or CIA agent.

There is one big common denominator that this RICO gang of attackers shares: they all appear to be gays, bisexuals, LGBTQs and IT and Human Resources Management related professionals in their late 30s or early 40s today.

You know how much I hate coincidences. 

Those coincidences have happened so many times all around me for the past seven years. I won't say anything this time because there isn't any concrete proof. Just my hunch. 

This is purely a conjecture based on my observation and personal experience. Then again, I have to start from somewhere. Unlike any US Attorney's Office or other federal law enforcement investigators, I don't have any financial or investigative resources, and the attacks on me continue.  

I have to fight back these attacks on me. If I don't, I will always remain as their victim until the day I die.

I have been up against very sophisticated multiple RICO gangs that are made up of multiethnic international crime cartel members and institutional terrorists every day for the past seven years.

My personal blogs are the only weapons I have. I will keep prodding you, investigator folks, so that you can't say you did not know about me later.

I noticed that there were many criminal elements with military backgrounds, especially former US Marines, who have attacked me for the past seven years. I was stationed in Okinawa once in 1980–1981. 

I believe that the same criminal elements who attacked me in Chicago and in Atlanta are now tied to this military installations in Korea, especially those (former) US Marines stationed in Camp Mujuk in Pohang, Korea and in Okinawa, Japan. Those civilians who work at these US military installations and these bases' connecting MAC (Military Airlift Command) flights throughout the world.

And their flight connections to the MAC Command Home Base, Scott Air Force Base in Illinois, near St. Louis, Missouri. 

KATUSAs (Korean Augmentation to the United States Army) once I worked with these former members of KATUSAs in a Korean multinational corporation in LaGrange, GA (2008-2011).

These multiple RICO gangs include PRC Chinese, Southeast Asians (Filipino, Vietnamese), and Southwest Asians (Indians, Pakistani, Bangladesh) were many criminals who have attacked me in Atlanta, Chicago, and now in Korea.

The vanguard group of these attackers, especially those criminals trying to defraud me criminally, many appear to be law enforcement, first responders, and their local gang members who are closely related to the criminals I mentioned above.

Behind these attackers, I am quite sure there are power-networked individuals, (former) politicians, (former) high-ranking government employees (law enforcement and first responders), and multinational or (former) quasi-governmental public company corporate executives who are somehow connected to the clan men of the 7th KCIA Chief and those Dog Year attackers in Atlanta and Chicago.

Years of the Dog 1946 and 1958


Institutional Terrorists Sanctioned Killings & Donating Organ, Tissue, and Eye

March 11, 2021 (Park Ridge, IL -Departments of Transportation-Illinois, Korea)


Institutional Terrorists, Criminally Linked Labor Unions (Korea & Illinois)

Chinese and Korean - with Jewish-Russian-Polish-Hispanic-Indian links 

Your attempts to erase me off the map have failed!

<Updated last on September 7, 2024> I bring it to the fore today after almost three years of disbelief I had of these four individuals...