
Politically Power Networked Institutional Terrorists *

I was the designated scapegoat and set up from the get-go to be the fall guy for many groups of my enemies — corporate, personal, and religious including death cult gangs, ethnic gangs, and white supremacist gangs of hate crimes.

They are so upset that I foiled their plans to scapegoat me. So they contracted their buddies in high places in governments, especially in law enforcement and first responders, to entrap me with criminal frauds to lock me up, drive me to insanity, and injure and murder me in the most insidious, sadist, and heinous way possible so that my personal and professional reputation were permanently destroyed by employing individuals close to me and my wife—friends, family acquaintances, co-workers, and neighbors.

But I have succeeded in foiling their attempts to frame me for their wrongdoings and crimes or to protect their status quo of keeping their power and influence by getting rid of me in the most dishonorable fashion until now, but the fight hasn't finished and it is still going on. 

For the last seven years and still today (December 8, 2017–present), I have always looked out for institutional terrorists and their criminal fraud schemes of ever more ingeniously evolving sophistication.

Because of their constant barrage of ever more ingenious ways to destroy me 24/7/365 for the past seven years, I became a sort of expert because of my own experience and observation on these criminal matters: insurance frauds, domestic institutional terrorism, the RICO, death cults, all those criminal acts against the defenseless population—babies, children, minors, (mentally) handicapped, elders—I mentioned throughout my blogs, and international crime cartels involving (former) military and civil service members and government employees involving institutional terrorists (law enforcement and first responders), drug traffickers, and human traffickers. 

I will tell you that I am now much more prepared to fight these hidden, pernicious, deep-pocked, professional, internationally roaming criminals and put them in appropriate fear that they have a lot to lose when they get caught: 20 years in slammer, forfeiture of all their ill-gotten assets and additional penalties and interests, and treble damage civil suits from all their previous victims and their families. 

Now I know there have been at least a half-dozen or more RICO gangs that have been involved in attacking me for the past seven years. And they all seemed to be connected to, or at least aware of, the presence of other RICO gangs attacking me. There were interstate-international inter-agencies based on expertise sharing, RICO gang coordination, and cooperation in attacking me via criminal members traversing among these RICO gangs.

These appear to be multifaceted attacks involving many different professions, especially ones I deal with almost every day, so to ensure that I get constantly stalked and harassed around the clock for the past seven years,. 

I do not go to law enforcement for these attacks unless there are immediate physical threats and proof of such threats because I truly believed that they are the ones, bad, criminal cops, who contact and control local gangs who have attacked me for the past seven years.

And without physical proof of damages or proof of crimes by US Attorney's investigation and prosecution of these criminals, I can't really bring all these individuals by names to law enforcement or to court. 

The exact people who were supposedly catching these criminals actually attacked me instead. So that presents enormous problems in fighting these criminals on my part. 

There were numerous instances where these law enforcers became criminal fraud enablers, by actively aiding and abetting in criminal fraud schemes for these criminals by surveilling, eavesdropping, stalking, or harassing me for the past seven years.

Remember, these are politically powerful and connected mega-millionaires who have sponsored terror campaigns against me for the past seven years. I suspected they were extremely well connected to both countries' law enforcement apparatuses. 

So these street-level gangs who attacked me showed no fear of prosecution while at the same time they were getting paid in some form of compensation for their time and efforts. 

This was very obvious during the COVID-19 (2019–2022) era. I actually believed that I provided them with the work they (labor union members, corporate and nonprofit NGOs employees) desperately needed during that time. I am very sure there were a few who got paid very well, tangibly (free rent, free car, real estate) or intangibly (attractive jobs and promotions), for taking charge of coordinating the attacks on me.

And I hope that in the not-distant future, there will be a US District Attorney who is not afraid to take on these powerful RICO gangsters and bring justice for the good of all Americans.

I am doing my best to expose these RICO criminals, institutional terrorists, to the public and save many potential victims who could be targeted for destruction like myself.

But the fight is not over. 

I may have to fight these criminals until the day I die. Even though I do not see them every day as I did in the past and they appear to be lying low these days, I know they are watching me around the clock to find the right point and the right time of attack me again if an opportunity is present. I am watching out for these criminals every day and making note of them and any suspicious activities. 

I was the perfect patsy.

I was the perfect patsy, designated to take all the falls for all my enemies' wrongdoings, crimes, and secrets from many groups of my en...