Was I a laughingstock?

I think I was. 

I was probably the only one who did not know that the half sister was not my half sister. Even my co-workers 10 or 20 years ago already knew that I was set up to be getting destroyed when the time comes as a fall guy. It was set up to kill two birds with one stone. It was a win-win situation for them, while I was to be destroyed for their fail-proof win falls.

Now I am looking back. Walking back all the way to my first employment in 1993 to five succeeding ones in Georgia where I worked as various positions of accountants and management, I realized these attackers on me for the past 30 years were related to my former employers (1993-2016) as their long-time employees (many at their executive levels), coordinated amongst themselves. Out of these five employers, maybe only one was excluded. 

I finally realized all these attackers on me for the past seven years were included former (current) employees of these four of my five former employers.

How could these be possible? I believe this was only possible because a few of my personal enemies, these two particular ones, Caucasian ones out of almost all Koreans, were involved in the attacks on me as their front men, liaisons, who were connecting dots to these employees of my former employers.

I was set up to be destroyed a way long ago, even prior to 1993.

I believe my co-workers then knew my fateful enemies, my personal enemies. My neighbors and my personal acquaintances in Georgia knew my co-workers and my personal enemies. They were recruited, placed, and coordinated in attacks on me.

This is why I had been attacked from multiple fronts. Completely throwing me off and leaving me in complete bewilderment for the last seven years, a period (December 2017-present) I was under their intense and deadly attacks.

They knew each other by business transactions they conduct, being business associates or clients, or being the same college (one in Indiana) alumni, possibly the same fraternity brothers, or same church (synagogue, tabernacle, temple) members.

For them, I was someone to look at for fun, sharing my every activity amongst themselves to see if I could present them as more enjoyable extracurricular activities. 

They, my co-workers, few at executive levels, knew these two individuals (both Caucasian males) who are a big part of my father, his current wife, and their daughter. They looked at me, probably thinking how clueless and hopelessly stupid I was then. 

They had so many accomplices in high places in law enforcement, first responders, governments, multinational corporations, public corporations, NGOs, business clients, and labor unions both in the US and in Korea. 

For many years, their business associates, relatives, and hidden power networks were all around me. I was completely in the dark about how these two individuals and their hidden networked individuals conspired to destroy me for many years.

They were all vying for a time, the right moment to get rid of me literally or figuratively all the while with the convenience of watching me 24/7/365, nearby. And there were intangible, hidden, or innocuous payouts for such attempts.

That's why I call them sadists, psychopaths, and evil creatures without souls. They were willing to waste many people's lives in the stretch of 30 or more years, fully knowing what the final outcome of me would be. That is to complete destruction of me and innocent bystanders of my life, my wife. 

If they were any normal human beings with good consciences, they would never have done things they had done to us, enjoying or laughing at me at the same time seeing me in such terrible predicaments I was under while on their watch. These are sick people. In fact, they are animals. They are the people devoid of moral decency and decent human souls. 

I have survived numerous attempts to destroy me in the most inhumane and fraudulent ways. Considering how our lives are completely destroyed by these criminals, I have no regret or remorse taking down all these individuals, regardless of how I was once related to or befriended by them. 

If they were so efficient taking me down fraudulently, there is no telling how many other innocent lives they have destroyed in the past or will destroy if they are not stopped.

Your attempts to erase me off the map have failed!

<Updated last on 3:03 AM CST, September 16, 2024> This latest and revised post is the cumulation of all my observations I made of thes...