
35. Addendum - Charts, Organizations of Interest, and Persons of Interest

I purposely left out many names of organizations of interest and persons of interest, even though they are all very relevant in participating in the attacks to destroy me as a part of hate crimes and retaliations. But they are all mentioned in my blogs in one way or another without their names of individuals, corporations, NGOs, specific local governmental entities, lobbyists' clients, or public utilities (quasi-governmental) corporations. 

Maum Meditation Centers & all their variations in the US and elsewhere around the world.

First Founded in Korea by Woo Myung (Woo Seung Cheol / 우희호). There are branches in every major cities in the US, Canada, Argentina. These branches may not call by the same exact name, Maum Meditation Center, anymore. Many of their members work at KORAIL, KT, Department of Transportation and their related Quasi-Governmental Corporations and NGOs, Police Departments, major ethnic grocery stores chains in Korea and in the US. My wife and I were once members, and I met WooMyung three times in Atlanta, GA.


Shin Jik Soo - The 7th Chief of Korea Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA)


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Illinois State Lobbyists

Department(s) of Transportation 국토교통부


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Labor Unions - KOREA (KORAIL, KT) & ILLINOIS (Police, First Responders, Constructions, Electricians, Painters and many more)


We energize the forces of the darkness when we anonymize them.

  "We energize the forces of the darkness when we anonymize them." Dr. David Martin